Sunday, April 14, 2013

Yellow Boogers.

I've been sick all weekend. It may have to do with the barometric pressure or the fact I drank quite a lot last week or maybe a bit of both. It's some type of virus judging by the snot coming out of my nose. I know, it sounds gross but snot is actually very informative about what type of sickness you have.

Clear - normal
Yellow - viral infection
Green - bacterial (more serious)


I could go for someone coming taking care of me, or even just a nice back rub. But seeing that this won't happen since I don't want to make anyone sick, I slept in late and made myself some chocolate chip/raspberry/blueberry pancakes. I made a full batch so I have breakfast for tomorrow at FC. It's going to be weird being back, but at least I can book my trip for next month.

May is going to be a good month :) only a few weeks until Book of Mormon and then a holiday.

But for now, back to sleep until work.
My tamagotchi ( a word actually on my phone ) stays awake during the day... So demanding. He should be okay for a couple hours. He is actually sick too.

Lol I'm so lame.