Monday, May 31, 2010

Spontaneous and Elated.

That was the best 24 hours I have had in a very long time. I am not sure the last time I have been this happy. Someone must have heard my prayers and thought I deserved for it all to come true.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I Want You.

Exactly like I used to.

Friday, May 28, 2010


Going to the Jays game tonight for the first time in years. Pretty pumped, should be a good time!!!

Comptine D'Un Autre Ete.

My favorite piano song. I listened to it for the first time in a while and realized how much I wished that you perfected playing it for me. It truly is a beautiful song.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I am the same shade of brown/red that I was when I first returned from Dominican.

I <3 the sun. I <3 lying by the pool. I <3 swimming. I <3 summer!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I had quite a fabulous weekend... until this moment. I am very unimpressed with myself.
Right when I pull into the driveway to park my car and lock it, i walk towards the door and realize that my keys are still in the car. The car is locked. I have my house key as well as BOTH sets of my car keys in the car that is locked. Still in the ignition, I may add.
I am not going to worry about this too much tonight, but it seems that I will be breaking into my car tomorrow morning.
Anyone know anything about breaking into cars?
If so, msg me.
Ha, kidding.

Seriously. Please call me.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Happy Day.

Today has started off well and it's not even noon. I just got a second job (woo) and I get to pick up my kitty today! I haven't seen her smooshy little face in weeks and I cannot wait. Plus, she is going to be in Oakville so I can visit her anytime I want until she is living with me again. I also get to let go of a couple of people from my past today, so that is also very exciting. Moving in a forward direction is very important right now.
The only sad thing about today is the fact that I have to stop by my house in Guelph. I haven't been there in weeks either and it sucks to keep realizing that I will not be returning in the fall. Sad face. However, life in the GTA is looking promising. Plus, I am probably going up north for part of the long weekend. That should be really nice also.

It's hard to believe that a year ago I was returning to Ontario from Victoria. What a terrible idea that was. My life would have been completely different. I should've stayed and kept with my original plans to live there for 4 months.
REMINDER: Never give up your plans for boys.
This summer is kind of a continuation from last summer of being single, having a ton of fun and relaxing with cool people. So far the single life has treated me well, I am having a great time being able to go anywhere I want at any time, and I am hanging out with people that enjoy having a good time. I just need to stay focused on the fun part, and not the relationship part because for the first time, it's nice not having to tell someone my every movement. It's freedom at its best. Since I have a slightly addictive personality, I think I will enjoy this lifestyle for a while.
Fingers crossed I do not screw it up again.

Off to spend my lunch lounging on a patio, most likely drinking a martini.
Life is so much better when it is non-dramatic and stressful.


At work today I discovered a very prevalent lust towards married business men in the 30s. I'm not sure what it is exactly that has driven me towards this selection, but I like it. I enjoy working during lunch more than I ever have.


Monday, May 17, 2010


Woooo, finally got my car adapter for my ipod today. I can listen to something other than the radio now!!!!!


I get to see my baby on Tuesday!!! So excited.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Every moment I think of you it is surreal.
It still makes me ponder what if.

I hate that.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Hermit Lifestyle.

I just got home from work and realized how lonely I am. It doesn't seem to matter where I am and what I try to do to change it. I hear one song and it destroys me.
I am going to be a hermit for a little while so I do not feel constant disappointment from anyone, but myself.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Vroom Vroom!

After a couple months of looking, and hours sitting in front of a computer, I have FINALLY found a car!
Car in Possession - CHECK!
Insurance - CHECK!
License Plates - CHECK!
Full Tank of Gas - CHECK!

Totally cute car and loving it - CHECK CHECK CHECK!!!

All I need is to go on a road trip now into the country on a nice day. I cannot wait. Thursday sounds promising.
Still seems quite surreal, doesn't feel like it is mine. But it is!