Sunday, April 7, 2013

Even if it hurts.

It's been a pretty solid weekend.
It was great waking up this morning, making breakfast and relaxing at home with my cat. The weather has finally been spring-like, so I decided it was time for my first jog. I updated my jogging playlist and now it has some good tunes to help keep my pace. Unfortunately, it was incredibly windy so it was difficult to get going. I basically wanted to fall down within the first couple minutes. Luckily I didn't faint and was able to run 4km on my first go. No one is there if I faint, so I just kept running through the dizziness. Although I couldn't breathe by the time I was back at home, I felt good. I realized during my jog that my playing soccer growing up taught me a sense of ambition and dedication. I didn't appreciate this until today, when I found out that this is one of the reasons I "go big or go home" so to speak. Just keep running, even if it hurts. Just keep practicing, working, loving, even if it hurts.

I have a route now where I don't have to wait for any lights, and look forward to making it a daily routine. I have the next couple days off so it will help keep the consistency.

Maybe if I'm lucky, it will improve my sleep too. That would be really nice.

I'm starting to understand that men are the ones that need to be loved, where women on the other hand are pretty comfortable on their own, and just need to feel wanted. I don't really have a problem feeling wanted, so I guess I'm doing pretty good. I never understood this concept before, always going from relationship to relationship. The nympho and hopeless romantic in me always thought that physical contact was all I needed. Now something has changed. I have no interest getting back into a relationship, and only would welcome someone to keep me warm at night. But seeing that the temperature is on the rise and my cat already occupies the other side of my bed, I'm okay without that too.

People search for happiness. I search for contentment. I actually think I have found it.
It's a great feeling.

They say when things start going well in your life, something falls apart. I'm really hoping that doesn't happen.