Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ying Yang.

I would really love to stream line my thoughts and emotions. They seem to be so scattered and inconsistent. I am confident in my decision, yet I have the ability to see the other side. It seems to be a 90-10 split... If you want to talk statistically speaking. It is the "what ifs" that confuse me, the unknowns that I would have to live with, no matter the decision I make. I think I would prefer to take the 90 and question the 10, than take the 10 and question the 90.
The saying is " go with your gut ". In this case, I am going against my gut and following my gut. I doubt this will make sense to any outsider reading this, but I suppose that is the point.
I am satisfied that my life is the way it's meant to be. I couldn't ask for anything more. I have been given a fork-in-the-road, and I may not be doing the right thing, but I am confident that I am taking the right road to a bright and happy future. There isn't anyone else I would rather do this with.

I think that is enough analogy and metaphors for one entry. Good night.

La la la!

There are carol-ers in our office right now. Hilarious.

Today's been a good day.

Sunday, December 18, 2011








Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Good Point.


Let me know if you need my contact details. :)

Sunday, December 4, 2011


I'm starting to get used to having bangs and I like it. They are definitely more maintenance than I like, but I get compliments all the time.
Actually, I have been told by 3 different people in the last 2 weeks that I look like a younger Demi Moore. I really don't see it but I guess that a compliment. I've never been told that before so it must be the bangs.
I am presently watching St. Elmos Fire and I still don't see it.

Oh well.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


I hate December 2nd with a passion... I tried to forget about what this day means considering everyone else around me has. However there was a greater force than I can't control nor explain that made me sit there and think about today and what this day means.
My car ran out of gas... Much much sooner than anticipated. I cannot find a greater explanation than the one on repeat in my head. I sat there in the middle of the street wondering why on earth it would have happened on a day such as this.
I hate wallowing in self pity.. And I hate the burning sensation behind my eyes when I try not to cry. Unfortunately I couldn't help it and I just want to sleep forever.
Thank you mom. I do remember very well what 8:40 pm means. I remember quite well. So please don't hassle me by stupid coincidences and come back and visit me in my dreams.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

All a Game.

It's like in the games of thrones intro when all the walls are going up. I must be on the final episode. So much for trusting thy enemies.

If you ever think things are too good to be true... You are probably right.

I have so much less patience during this time of the year...