Tuesday, April 27, 2010


It has been brought to my attention that there is a hate blog that someone made in 2008 about me. I do know who this person is, or at least I can guess with a very high certainty.
If you see this, please delete it.
It's a little silly after all this time, don't you think?


So, I looked into who is coming to Toronto this summer, and there are actually a few good bands.
1. Metric
2. Kings of Leon
3. Jack Johnson
4. MGMT is here this week, missed the boat on that one.
5. The Eagles w/Dixie Chicks
Need to look into this for sure. Especially since the first 3 are at the Molson Amphitheatre. Love it.

Monday, April 26, 2010


mmmm, the clothes I am wearing to bed STILL smell like Dominican. I went, what, over 2 months ago?
I guess it's a perk of having a ridiculous amount of clothing.

Sniff sniff.

I hope I have the same type of dreams as last night. They were incredibly enjoyable. I wish all my dreams were like that... all the time. I don't really want to share what they were, but I will say that they did involve incredibly tight jeans on a certain male. That is all. And no, the male is not who you are most likely thinking of.

Yum yum.

Hot Chocolate.

A couple days ago, I had the best frozen Hot Chocolate I have ever had. It was from Godiva. It was milk chocolate raspberry, and had raspberry puree at the bottom and chunks of milk chocolate in it. So good.
I just want to remember this because it was absolutely delicious.
This is how exciting my life has become.

At least I start working today. That should help.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Hunt Hunt Hunt.

Looking for a car... hunting for a car. So far with no avail.
Everyone keeps saying "why are you so set on a VW?" Well, my answer is - I have always wanted one, so I am GOING to get one. I am determined. Hopefully I will be able to have more luck now that I am learning standard transmission. It's kind of scary when you first start out, but we will see how it goes. I am ready for it! Bahahahaha, can't wait to start driving!!! I have a feeling I am going to be a terrible driver. Watch out.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Every time I will hear from you this summer, I will be sick to my stomach. There are only a few people that have made me feel so low of a person as you have. I truly hope that I do not hear from you often because even a day like today where I have felt amazing, with one message I feel like the sex bomb you have made me out to be. Aka - nothing of value. Maybe Jordan was right, I only have 2 options if all I am is a sex bomb - stripper & prostitute. Both very viable options for a sex bomb. I might as well use my body to make money since apparently I am not beautiful, or a beautiful person - all I am good for is my ass and boobs.
Maybe you are right, all I am is a sex bomb.

Who would want to love a sex bomb?

Sunday, April 18, 2010


That I am.
I rather enjoy showering, changing and dancing naked (among other things) in front of open windows. There is a thrill that someone may be watching me. I may be a slight pervert, but I have fun with it.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Moving Time.

It took me a couple hours, but I have all my stuff in a big ol' pile. I honestly cannot believe I am moving away from Guelph. Tomorrow is going to be a very difficult day. Thank goodness I have to come back a couple days next week, because I feel like I will be very lonely in the beginning. I already feel myself getting in a rut - eating poorly, not jogging as often, sleeping in late... I really hope for the best this summer, but I have a feeling that I will be quite miserable for the time being. It's going to take me a while to get over all of this. Moving further away is just going to make me feel more empty.
Please let me get a job soon, so I stop being so emo.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


oh boy, Jordan you make really strong drinks. Today has turned out to be a great day, DONE SCHOOL, possible jobs, Pizza Hut and now drunk on Lychee Martinis..
Yes, I like my nipples buttered. Thank you.


Moving this weekend. Yikes.

I am suntanning tomorrow, even if it's only 15 degrees... going to stop babbling now.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


She had to choose between two people. One she did not love but would do anYthing for her and one she loved unconditionally. Where do you draw the line and decide if love overweighs everything else? Apparently in this bachelorette episode the girl chose love. Unfortunately, the boy did not love her back and she ended up alone anyways.

Friday, April 9, 2010


My heart is beating like a hammer. hoping for the best this weekend.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Job Interview!

I just called from my favorite restaurant in the entire world (Lonestar Bar and Grill) for an interview next week!

Holy Shit I'm good.

In the last seven hours of constant work (with a lunch break) and 4.5 hours of class, I have made a HUGE dent in the work I had to do this week.
Here is an update.

Included in this is:
SEVEN page paper.
TWELVE page re-write paper.
QUIZ (got 88%)
THIRTY-FIVE page logbook.
ONE page paper.

Now, I can breathe for the rest of the night, relax, then start studying for my midterm on thursday.
In the process of this, I even applied to five jobs. I am on a roll.

Second Chance.

I was walking through campus this morning when I saw numerous trees with green buds and green grass all around. It made me feel elated that nice weather is coming and will be here to stay.
This idea made me think about how New Year's is the time of year to change your habits and feel better about yourself. However, while I was looking at the changing of seasons of winter to spring, it dawned on me that I disagree with this. I had never thought about how the four changing of seasons could be seen as a chance to change bad habits and feel better about yourself. It makes me feel better knowing that you have the chance to do this four times a year, rather than once a year during the most miserable (I think) season of the year - winter. I think that if you remind yourself at the beginning of the four seasons, you can change for the better, you will be more likely to change because you are reinforcing your thoughts more than once a year.

I like the sound of that.

Monday, April 5, 2010

This Week will be the Death of Moi.

I have decided to post a list of all the stupid work I have to do in the next week.

This is the most updated version of it...

Hopefully by tomorrow, I will have another couple crossed off. I am doing this because I honestly did not think I could get through all the work. But I am determined to prove myself wrong. I am even going to the extreme to say that I will get everything but 2 of them done by friday evening so I can relax and enjoy my weekend.
Here's to hoping that my motivation will continue through the week. However, I will see how I am feeling after heading to The Manor tomorrow night. MUST REMEMBER TO LIMIT ALCOHOL INTAKE!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Thank goodness my kitty likes to cuddle.
I need all the love I can get.