Thursday, September 30, 2010


Yes, it says I am in a relationship.
Yes, I am in a relationship.

Why do people have to care so much about the title, I don't know.
Just don't annoy me about it.

You are lovely though. :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Maple Leafs.

After a very long night, I won a competition to work.
I got 2 tickets to tomorrow night's Leaf game. Tickets are worth over $400!
Unfortunately, or fortunately (depending how you look at it) I cannot attend.
I'm trying to sell them, but I really want to go.
I hope that this interview goes well tomorrow, so it's worth it!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Speed Demon.

Since I got my new car, my addiction to adrenaline and speed has peaked. When I was a lot younger, I used to get upset when someone would go 130 on the highway because I thought it was so fast. However, more recently I started going 130 and now my average is 145 on the highway. I'm pretty sure this is going to lead to an accident, but my narcissism katy enjoys when people get out of the way for me.
I am also tempted to put a large sign on the back of my car that reads: "passing lane is for passing ONLY."

On a different note, I dyed my hair yesterday. Apparently its quite noticeable because numerous people have, well, noticed. First time in a year I have got my hair trimmed and its still very short.

Just for the record, if you contact me one more time, I promise you that I will get a restraining order against you. If you don't believe me, try me. Let's see if you actually deleted my number for good. For your sake, I hope this is not another lie like the rest of them.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Life Drawing.

I have never been drawn before. Well, there was the time I had a characterure done at Canada's Wonderland when I was about 15. But this was the first time someone took the time to sketch me. It was slightly cold lying there totally naked and very Titanic-esque, but I did get a small thrill knowing someone was taking in all of the details. Apparently I would be a good life model considering I am kind of attractive and kind of, sort of, almost confident.

I still like dating a (nerdy) artist. :)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Long Weekend.

Just got back from my weekend in Sauble Beach. Once again, I had a hoot. The weekend consisted of:

- Coors Light
- Great food
- Topless dance parties
- Swimming in Georgian Bay in 10C weather
- Karaoke security guards
- Afternoon chit chats
- The skunk incident
- Flawless skies

That's all I can think of right now. It was a really great weekend, and an awesome way to *** the summer (still in denial).

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Uno, Dos, Tres, Quatro.

I have been seriously lacking in the writing area lately, but I have hardly been around over the past couple weeks. It's going to continue to be crazy for the next little bit, but at least I have OFFICIALLY moved into my first real apartment that I am paying for with 2 cool roommates. There were a few minor hiccups yesterday during the moving process, nothing too terrible... only locking myself out of TWO houses, breaking into one through the kitchen window and setting off the alarms of the other one... No big deal.
I'm pretty exhausted so I am not going to write much.
Looking forward to Suable Beach this weekend. Should be a grand ol' time.

Oh, and also, I have the song "I Want You" stuck in my head. Hence the Uno, Dos, Tres, Quatro. Funny thing is that I have not heard this song in a very long time. Random.