Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Cat food.

Today has been a very good day.
It's being concluded with relaxing kitty time on the couch. We had a little treat before bed.

It's so funny that my cat is a picky eater. Most animals will jump at the chance for people food. I've tried salmon, chicken, turkey... But to no avail. She will walk away from it.
When it comes to yogurt, she will begin to drool. Or she will lick the bowl clean if you let her. It's part of my morning routine that I enjoy the most - have breakfast with my kitty. Today I wasn't here for breakfast so she got a midnight snack of it instead. She looks quite satisfied.

I really hope I get some sleep tonight. I'm running on empty here. Hitting the hay early.

Monday, April 29, 2013


Oh no, Madi is in the bathtub again. She never knows how to get out. She just whines until you take her out yourself.

I finally feel better rested. It took until today. Considering I was DD on Friday, it ended up being a pretty interesting evening. It started with the Asian invasion at &co, which is definitely not my favourite scene but very popular among friends. Then randomly ended up at Ten and were escorted out by security after close because we wouldn't leave (and friends were fucking in the bathroom). Then had to convince a friend not to go home with the guy from the bathroom.

Woke up a few hours later and went to our bright-and-early Saturday staff meeting. I obviously wasn't hung over but was incredibly tired. It was the best / worst staff meeting because we were testing our new menu of 3 poutine, 4 burgers and 4 steaks. By 10am I felt so sick it was ridiculous. Definitely NOT what I wanted for breakfast. But I did get some steak to go which has proved to be good sandwich meat.

I did some recon when I got home about apartments, and went to check out a couple. I love the area but its so damn expensive. One of the places I went to was currently rented by a hoarder. A legit hoarder. You could hardly walk through the place without hitting something and the door to the balcony was completely blocked by piles of stuff taller than me. I really wish I took a photograph.
It was gross.

I wasn't tired enough to sleep before work since I had too many things on my mind and didn't eat because I was still too full. I made a ton of money, but there were a couple weird things that happened. Firstly, because it was UFC it brings in the worst crowd. However there were cops sitting outside jacks who asked to open the blinds and watch the fight from their patrol car, which was funny. Secondly, a full brawl unfolded right in front of me with about 10 idiotic dudes (including 4-5 jacks peeps because it involved a manager). It was pretty intense. Not the craziest thing I've seen during UFC though.

By the end of it, I was so tired that I went straight home and crashed. Best sleep I've had all week, but it was one of those sleeps that you're still super tired when you wake up. I had to wake up because I had an appt to see an apartment right by the water. It was actually really nice but I'm not willing to dish out that kind of money unless I was living with a significant other for a 1-bedroom. I'm still checking out a few places this week just to get an idea.

Today I am doing nothing. And I mean nothing. It's my first day off in what feels like forever and I am not going to stuff it full of things to do. I'm going to watch Game of Thrones and have a nap. Do some research and make dinner. Perhaps watch a movie and call it an early night. It sounds fucking fantastic.

I want to leave on an uplifting note. I read this on Facebook this morning and its so true. Think you should read it.


I may not work in travel full time anymore but ill always be happiest traveling or planning out my next trips.
Only 2 weeks until vacation! Finally. It's going to be an exhausting week and I'm so excited.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


Such a long weekend. I'm so exhausted... So little sleep..
Can't wait for my day off tomorrow..

I want to sleep forever.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Balcony time.

I have a serious chill right now.
My own fault, of course.

However it was really nice having dinner on my balcony. I bundled up, and watched some Dexter while I ate. I'm ready for summer to be here so I can do it more frequently.
Earlier this week was the first time i had a meal on a patio. It was perfect because they had heaters on and I wasn't cold.

Summer is so much better.

I miss looking at the stars.

The stars will look different this year.

R-r-r-andom Rant.

It's been an interesting couple of days. I've had a hard time today deciding whether I am content with the present situation. On one hand, my car is officially paid off (yippee!), but on the other hand, I felt more emotional today than I have in a while and it's bothered me. It's amazing how something that is so great can leave you feeling so crappy. Plus it also doesn't help when something so natural is so wrong. I didn't realize that I missed companionship, but I guess I do a little. There is a certain element of comfort in catching up with your feet up drinking a beer with someone else.

I finally went grocery shopping. I figured eating pasta 4 nights in a row was a sign that I needed to shop. It was nice listening to Coldplay strolling the aisles for an hour and picking out things I would like to eat. I find something incredibly relaxing about grocery shopping. It's an act I only do a couple times a month, but it's enjoyable. Sometimes these types of acts are the highlights on my month. I look forward to waking up in the morning knowing that I will be starting the day by having a hearty breakfast. Further I have decided to cut out bread from my diet except for one meal a day (probably lunch since I love sandwiches). Maybe gluten is the reason I'm gaining weight.
Also, I've always thought it would be romantic to meet someone at a grocery store, "sorry miss you dropped your muff, I mean muffin". Then we would laugh and fall madly in love.
Just kidding about the end. Kind of.

This post was random but I just felt the need to write. I could go on about the blackout and feeling sick from sushi, but not right now. It's not as exciting as knowing about my diet and grocery shopping regiment. So I figured that took precedence.

Some things just don't change, good or bad. It's nice to have the reminder. Living in a world of "what ifs" and momentary sweetness is not how I want to spend my time.
My upper back is killing me.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Another one.

It's going to be one of those days.

Maybe I'll just live alone if these are my "potential" roommates.

I'm so bored at work I'm not even sure what to do with myself. I have no other trips planned to research.

It didn't help that i had a shit sleep last night. But further (!!) my stupid downstairs neighbour was BLASTING inner ninja on the radio at 830am. Luckily I had to be up anyways, but I could hear the traffic report through the floor, word for word. Sometimes I just don't understand people. Well, most of the time.

The highlight of my weekend was a dream I had. I was part of a huge orgy with 7 other girls and the cast of Workaholics. I had a very passionate affair with Blake. Random.

The not-so-highlight was getting a flat tire before work and dealing with a stupid cab driver that made me super late. I had an awkward moment when I tried to get into a car that I thought was a cab when it actually was a car that belonged to someone from my apartment building. He was really nice about it and offered to drive me anywhere I wanted. I immediately closed the door, he had a mischievous look on his face. And bad teeth. I have a hard time trusting someone with bad teeth.

Guess I should find something to do.

Friday, April 19, 2013

People say (and do) the darnedest things.

I feel like I should just rename this blog the title of this post because I deal with such stupid people on a daily basis.

Not sure if anyone remembers Mr. Impressive (actual email address name) from last summer when I was looking for a roommate, but if you need a reminder check out the picture below.

I recently posted a new ad for a roommate and a guy responded. I posted his email below as well. Does the arrogant comments about blow jobs and models seem similar to you?
Well colour me ginger, they are the same person almost a year later!! I burst out laughing when I compared the emails.

It's just been that type of week.

However today, I did get to have lunch at my favourite restaurant and have dinner outside on a patio. Further, I did get to wear a skirt all day without feeling cold. That's a bonus for me.

I've been pretty drama free lately and it's been lovely. But this week, holy cow, people are seriously angsty and bitchy. Surprisingly after everything that has happened this week and the bad news I have received, I'm just shaking my head and laughing.
What else can you do? You can't control people's reactions, but you sure as hell can control your own.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

D-day Thursday.

They say you don't really see the true colours of a person you are dating until the honeymoon phase is over. I have come to the realization that you don't learn this until the relationship is over. You see the way they really are when there is no care anymore. When they don't owe you anything.
They can either take the high road and continue to be a normal human being, or they can be a complete asshole for the sake of it.

So this is what honesty gets you because you don't want to burn that bridge you built for a long time. Maybe nothing romantic but at least friendship. I guess boys act differently. Ego or whatever.

Tomorrow is d-day. My fate will soon be decided.
I can't believe tomorrow is already Thursday. I'm excited but also incredibly scared that this could be it. I feel so unprepared. I probably won't be able to sleep tonight.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Fuck fuck fuck.

Day went from good to stressed.
The next few days will be very annoying.

I need a beer.
I need a bunch of beers.
Just so I can sleep the next couple days.

I liked my unstressed little bubble and now it's ruined.
I need some time alone to think.

Everything happens for a reason.
Everything happens for a reason.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


I bought a ticket for $55 million.
Paid 2$ and won 10$.

I feel lucky :)

But check your tickets, 4 people won the grand prize. I hope they deserve it.

Yellow Boogers.

I've been sick all weekend. It may have to do with the barometric pressure or the fact I drank quite a lot last week or maybe a bit of both. It's some type of virus judging by the snot coming out of my nose. I know, it sounds gross but snot is actually very informative about what type of sickness you have.

Clear - normal
Yellow - viral infection
Green - bacterial (more serious)


I could go for someone coming taking care of me, or even just a nice back rub. But seeing that this won't happen since I don't want to make anyone sick, I slept in late and made myself some chocolate chip/raspberry/blueberry pancakes. I made a full batch so I have breakfast for tomorrow at FC. It's going to be weird being back, but at least I can book my trip for next month.

May is going to be a good month :) only a few weeks until Book of Mormon and then a holiday.

But for now, back to sleep until work.
My tamagotchi ( a word actually on my phone ) stays awake during the day... So demanding. He should be okay for a couple hours. He is actually sick too.

Lol I'm so lame.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Alien Encounters.

At work...

Woman comes up to me rather distressed...

Stupid woman: excuse me.
Me: yeah? ( me being polite )
Stupid woman: my son. He ate half of this stirfry and he has a SEVERE allergy to peanuts.
Me: oh my goodness, did he have a reaction?
Stupid woman: no it's not an automatic onset.
Me: ...
Me: you realize this plate is covered in diced peanuts.
Stupid woman: i didn't read the menu.
Me: ...
Stupid woman: he had a severe allergy though I need this remade so he doesn't have a reaction.
Me: ...
Me: ( thinking you are a fucktard parent ) sure.

Are you kidding me? Are people really that dumb?
The answer is yes. Yes they are.

People say and do the darnedest things!

&co crap.

I hate clubbing.
I think I said this a couple weeks ago. I'm referring to top 40 "grinding" music. I am so over it. Maybe I liked this in university and was okay with disgusting guys' grubby fingers on me, but now, not so much. Last night I only lasted an hour before wanting to leave. I went to a place called &co and it was not my cup of tea. I prefer electronic/ house/ dubstep music which I will enjoy next weekend.

Nonetheless it was okay.

The icing on my week was filing my taxes. A nice $3000 headed my way. By the end of the month I will be OSAP and car loan free.
It will be a wonderful feeling. Paying off $22,000 of debt in 2 years is pretty damn good I think. I will be celebrating the end of this month with a delicious steak and a lot of wine!

Or I'll start tomorrow at laser tag. I'm so excited to battle against children. I haven't been for a long time, my visit is overdue. Hopefully it will cover up the feeling of dread that I had to clean off my car this morning. Spring is not being very accommodating so far. I've already retired my winter clothing, did my spring cleaning... I don't want to catch a cold!! I will NOT wear my winter coat again.

I'm sleepy.. Think I'm going to call it an early night.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Even if it hurts.

It's been a pretty solid weekend.
It was great waking up this morning, making breakfast and relaxing at home with my cat. The weather has finally been spring-like, so I decided it was time for my first jog. I updated my jogging playlist and now it has some good tunes to help keep my pace. Unfortunately, it was incredibly windy so it was difficult to get going. I basically wanted to fall down within the first couple minutes. Luckily I didn't faint and was able to run 4km on my first go. No one is there if I faint, so I just kept running through the dizziness. Although I couldn't breathe by the time I was back at home, I felt good. I realized during my jog that my playing soccer growing up taught me a sense of ambition and dedication. I didn't appreciate this until today, when I found out that this is one of the reasons I "go big or go home" so to speak. Just keep running, even if it hurts. Just keep practicing, working, loving, even if it hurts.

I have a route now where I don't have to wait for any lights, and look forward to making it a daily routine. I have the next couple days off so it will help keep the consistency.

Maybe if I'm lucky, it will improve my sleep too. That would be really nice.

I'm starting to understand that men are the ones that need to be loved, where women on the other hand are pretty comfortable on their own, and just need to feel wanted. I don't really have a problem feeling wanted, so I guess I'm doing pretty good. I never understood this concept before, always going from relationship to relationship. The nympho and hopeless romantic in me always thought that physical contact was all I needed. Now something has changed. I have no interest getting back into a relationship, and only would welcome someone to keep me warm at night. But seeing that the temperature is on the rise and my cat already occupies the other side of my bed, I'm okay without that too.

People search for happiness. I search for contentment. I actually think I have found it.
It's a great feeling.

They say when things start going well in your life, something falls apart. I'm really hoping that doesn't happen.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Saturday Night.

Sometimes I feel weird spending a Friday or Saturday night at home alone, but I've been enjoying it more as of late.
Tonight I did the dishes, intense yoga, made yummy pizza, drank some wine from Niagara last weekend, and ate ice cream sandwiches and strawberries.
I'm going to have a bath, listen to some music and finish my book.

A surprise sexy time visit would be the cherry on my wonderful evening, but that may be pushing it. Ill probably settle for emotionally retarded Dexter and idiotic "workaholics".

Friday, April 5, 2013

BJ fan.

Lets go Blueeeee Jayyyyys.

First Jays game in years. Don't really care much for baseball, but I enjoy drinking beer. And let's face it, that's the reason most people go. I just wish I could smuggle in some beer so I don't have to pay $13.
Oh well I always enjoy a night out on the town. Haven't been downtown for a while. For the games I have gone to, we have always ended up at Hooters. Ah, good times.

Hopefully it's more enjoyable than Tuesdays game. Boringgggg.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

New show.

I've been watching quite a few downer shows, entertaining but serious. I needed a perk me up.
I was introduced to a new show lately, and it's super awkward. My type of show.
It's called Workaholics.

I recommend it to anyone who wants to waste their life away, laughing.
Some guys are idiots, and entertain me.

Life is great when I can do whatever I want all day long. My biggest debate is whether I feel like being productive or not.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Nympho lows.

Once again someone comments on my figure. He says " do you lift weights? I can tell if a girl lifts weights."
I silently ask in my head "if you could tell, why ask?" I answer no.
Apparently this means in guy world I have a "smokin body".
I say this as I am eating chocolate and drinking wine at home.
I guess I should be happy with having good genetics.

It reminds me that I need to start jogging again now that the weather is nicer. Maybe it will help my sleeping habits.. I have been sleeping okay the last couple nights considering I can only sleep on one side.
Or maybe, if I'm lucky, it will help my sex drive. I've gone from nympho highs to nympho lows over the past few months. I've never experienced a time where ive been as disinterested in sex as much as I am now. I wonder how long it will last. I prefer nympho highs, but I also like how my life isn't revolving around sex.

Ugh I sound like such a girl.

Now I'm ranting.

Anyways walking dead was disappointing as was the entire season. Game of thrones looks promising though.

Monday, April 1, 2013

New tattoo.

I'm so excited! Finally found someone to do my tattoo. It turned out really well considering the small area.
I wanted to do something for me, so I went by myself. Not only was it a relaxing pain this time, it was nice to do it alone. No fainting, hardly any pain and excitement. It was a good end to a fun weekend.
I definitely needed that.
Hopefully the ringing in my ear doesn't last too long.