Saturday, April 23, 2011

Numero Four.

I just went and bought my FOURTH pair of Ray Bans over a year span. I think I have an addiction...

That's more than a months rent. :S

Love the new aviators though, so sweet.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spring Cleaning.

Over the past 2 days, I have organized my entire life.
This includes:
Doing my taxes, travel insurance paperwork, auto insurance paperwork, packed 2 garbage bags full of clothes and misc. for donation, put up a shelving unit, cleaned bathroom, organized the entirety of my room, vacuumed, separated all paperwork into corresponding folders, cleaned all interior of my car, did laundry (!!) and actually folded them, oh and I dyed my hair.
It has been a very busy couple of days, but I feel really accomplished. Its amazing what you can do when you set your mind to it. It is actually kind of sad though when I think about it... Only took 2 days to do everything. I guess I didn't really have that much important stuff to do.
Oh well, back to work. Its been very nice having a full 48hrs off.
Looking forward to my next mini-holiday this weekend :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Pretty Kitty.

So I just got home from a night out and looked at my gorgeous cat. I looked up other Lynx Point Himalayan cats, and they are really ugly (in a cute way). Madi is just gorgeous. Just wanted to note how lucky I was to find such a precious little fluff ball. Plus, how many cats do you know that play fetch and has a foot fetish? Seriously.

Madi, I am shaving you this summer.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


I left Canada to enjoy nice summer weather.
Unfortunately, the weather was crap there.
Fortunately, the weather today is absolutely beautiful. I am presently enjoying a ham sandwich sitting on my make-shift chair on my balcony. I brought a sweater out with me, and immediately removed it. I am just wearing my work uniform, which is just pants and a t-shirt. I regret going back to work in an hour because I could have a nap listening to music in a snap. The chocolate on my cookies are actually melting.

I wouldn't mind being in Guelph right now, driving down random streets listening to music with the windows down. Or sitting in the backyard with my old roommates pretending to study. I love summer, so happy winter is over!

On second thought, maybe I will have a 20 minute nap...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


A few highlights of Thailand... in photo-form to make life easier.
(Stealing some photos from other people, thanks!)

Tour of Buddhist temples --

Tuk Tuks driving --

Sheesha Smoking --

Jenga Playing --

Temperature --

Elephant Riding and Washing --

Seven-Tier Waterfall --

Tiger Temple --

Cave Exploring --

River Tubing --

Storms --

Beauty of the Lake --

Lakehouse --

Carrot Game --

Crazy Ferry Rides --

Longboat Rides --

Full Moon Party --

Rock Climbing --

ABC Party --

Siam Ocean World --

Culture --

Learning Thai Language --

Eating Scorpion --

A Great Group --

And A Great Roommate --

I thought doing photos instead would be faster, but it still took about 3 hours to finish that. Hope you enjoy!
Unfortunately, the beauty can never quite be fully understood through a photo. Thailand is definitely a beautiful country, however it does help me appreciate the beauty that Canada holds as well.

Glad to be home.


Got back from Thailand on Saturday. I took a few days to re-orient myself with my life, but it's already back to stress, and responsibility. Ughhhh. I haven't even started work yet! So much stuff to do. Is it terrible that I am looking forward to going back to work? Mostly because I saw my fav people last night, and I realized how much I miss the people I work with.

I will probably give a run down of my trip to Thailand eventually, but not yet.

I read A Game of Thrones while I was away, and I just saw a preview for the HBO series of it starting April 17. Seems that I will be adding another TV show to the already long list of shows I presently watch.

Sidenote: Watching the news right now, and they are going to dig up the remains of a woman thought to be the woman in the Mona Lisa painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. This is pretty interesting. It seems that they found her through a convent. She was a nun? Kind of fits with the whole pure, beauty thing.