Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Go Bus.

I am currently taking the bus to Guelph. I haven't taken this bus in a very long time, and I just realized how much I like the idea behind public transportation. Not that I don't love my car, because I do. But the feeling of listening to music while studying or reading is quite relaxing. It is nice to be in the passenger seat once in a while. Plus, people taking the Go are always so quiet.
Off to write my last midterm of my undergrad today, then going to Tobermory for a mini holiday. I cross my fingers that the weather stays like this until the end of the weekend.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Apparently three months is not long enough.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


I went to the police station today for the first time, and got to talk to a very attractive Australian officer. It made my short stay there much more enjoyable. I think I need to get into more trouble.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


After 5 months of waiting, I got my job at Credit Valley!!! Omg omg omggggg. I'm so excited!! Greg and I are going out tonight to celebrate. Everything commences next wednesday!! Wooooooo. Hard work, determination and having faith does pay off.

Monday, October 11, 2010


I went into this weekend with a feeling of dread, and I did have an emotional early morning (which was quickly fixed with waffles made by Greg). Overall, it turned out to be more fun than expected. The constant drinking and eating helped for sure, but it was the winning of poker against 9 people including poker master (so he thinks) Greg. Came back from absolutely nothing to win the game. It was a pretty great feeling. I am thankful for good feelings felt all day, and that my manager called me off from work this afternoon. I am also thankful that my boyfriend is so amazing.


Just got tickets for Thursday! Got to pull out the hat and start drinking some beer to prepare for the intoxication that will ensue.
Should be a good time :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Lovely Gestures.

Not only did Greg make me waffles with blueberries and strawberries this morning for breakfast, he is in the process of making me dinner as well (at 11:30pm).
He is always impressing me more and more.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010


As you can see I actually have time today to write. WOW.

I just ordered the main part of my costume of Halloween. I am an anti-ubber-spending person for Halloween, so I got it on Ebay. It's going to be interesting... hopefully it fits, ha. I just need to go out and buy a couple minor things, and I will be good to go. I'm so excited for Halloween this year. I usually wear a more logical outfit, but this year I am going all out.


Pretty Excited.

I just booked a couple days vacation with Greg in Tobermory. I haven't been to Tobermory since I was probably 13, so I am really looking forward to touring around the area again. I think that it may be a little chilly, but the leaves will still be changing so it will be beautiful. I have been working 6 days a week and going to school the 7th day, so it's been hard to wind down lately.
Since I cannot exactly afford to go on a trip, a mini vacation up north will be ideal. It fits right over reading week for Greg too. Our monthly dinner will have to be up north instead of at Latitude. I think we can let this month slide because we will still be regulars next month. :P
I just need to get through the next few weeks.

So excited! I just need to start looking into things to do. I know I want to check out Flowerpot Island, hiking trails and boating. This holiday is meant for relaxation and reconnecting with the nature I have not been around much lately.

Just three weeks... already counting down.