Monday, April 29, 2013


Oh no, Madi is in the bathtub again. She never knows how to get out. She just whines until you take her out yourself.

I finally feel better rested. It took until today. Considering I was DD on Friday, it ended up being a pretty interesting evening. It started with the Asian invasion at &co, which is definitely not my favourite scene but very popular among friends. Then randomly ended up at Ten and were escorted out by security after close because we wouldn't leave (and friends were fucking in the bathroom). Then had to convince a friend not to go home with the guy from the bathroom.

Woke up a few hours later and went to our bright-and-early Saturday staff meeting. I obviously wasn't hung over but was incredibly tired. It was the best / worst staff meeting because we were testing our new menu of 3 poutine, 4 burgers and 4 steaks. By 10am I felt so sick it was ridiculous. Definitely NOT what I wanted for breakfast. But I did get some steak to go which has proved to be good sandwich meat.

I did some recon when I got home about apartments, and went to check out a couple. I love the area but its so damn expensive. One of the places I went to was currently rented by a hoarder. A legit hoarder. You could hardly walk through the place without hitting something and the door to the balcony was completely blocked by piles of stuff taller than me. I really wish I took a photograph.
It was gross.

I wasn't tired enough to sleep before work since I had too many things on my mind and didn't eat because I was still too full. I made a ton of money, but there were a couple weird things that happened. Firstly, because it was UFC it brings in the worst crowd. However there were cops sitting outside jacks who asked to open the blinds and watch the fight from their patrol car, which was funny. Secondly, a full brawl unfolded right in front of me with about 10 idiotic dudes (including 4-5 jacks peeps because it involved a manager). It was pretty intense. Not the craziest thing I've seen during UFC though.

By the end of it, I was so tired that I went straight home and crashed. Best sleep I've had all week, but it was one of those sleeps that you're still super tired when you wake up. I had to wake up because I had an appt to see an apartment right by the water. It was actually really nice but I'm not willing to dish out that kind of money unless I was living with a significant other for a 1-bedroom. I'm still checking out a few places this week just to get an idea.

Today I am doing nothing. And I mean nothing. It's my first day off in what feels like forever and I am not going to stuff it full of things to do. I'm going to watch Game of Thrones and have a nap. Do some research and make dinner. Perhaps watch a movie and call it an early night. It sounds fucking fantastic.

I want to leave on an uplifting note. I read this on Facebook this morning and its so true. Think you should read it.

I may not work in travel full time anymore but ill always be happiest traveling or planning out my next trips.
Only 2 weeks until vacation! Finally. It's going to be an exhausting week and I'm so excited.