Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Love Boat.

So it is Wednesday now, and I have had such a busy/amazing week.
I don't have time to go into details about the weekend, but I thought I would post some pictures first.
Off to Victoria in 2 days. Crazy.
Kind of sad though too.
I'll write more about the last week tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Oh my Gush!

Yesterday turned out to be a really great day!
After seeing Justin briefly, it kind of wrecked my mood until I got to the hospital to see my grandmother. A nurse showed me to her new room, and I was instantly surprised at the progress she had made in the last month. Absolutely surprised! She was able to communicate and hold conversations for the first time in months. Although the other women in the ward were yelling "I WANT TO DIEEEEE" and "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" to the nurses, it was a pleasure visit.
We then drove back to Toronto and I was falling asleep the entire way. I was incredibly tired for some reason... Maybe it was from the lack of interest in the movie CHOKE the night before. What a stupid movie. Although that was lame, the fun analogy that came up about paradise and boating into the sunset made it all worthwhile. Maybe that's why I was so tired...
Anyways, my dad went to do groceries, so I came home and passed out for like 2 hours. I was woken up by my dad calling me down to drink some wine before dinner. I ate some salmon pate and realized I was absolutely starving. After talking/bragging about Lyle, my dad presented me with one of his old Pentax cameras for me to use for the summer. It's a film camera so it should be fun to play with. Another cool thing that happened yesterday was my dad told me that the research I did during my internship at Sunnybrook Hospital is getting published, and better yet, I am getting acknowledgment! I thought that was pretty awesomely cool. Turns out I just may be smarter than I thought. Go figure.
After that we sat down for dinner. It was very delish - steak, sweet potatoes and brussel sprouts, with strawberries and freshly whipped whip-cream for dessert. Yum. We sat around talking until around 9:45pm, when I cleaned the dishes and watched 90210. I called Lyle and we talked for 1 1/2 hours, until we both decided it was time for sleepy.
I woke up this morning at 6:33am, and it was so bright. I somehow found the energy to get my camera and take a couple pictures of the sunrise. When I actually woke up hours later, it was overcast and ugly out.
I woke up, made some oatmeal with blueberries and drank some tea as my ritual. Then I started looking up places to go and things to see in Niagara-on-the-Lake for this weekend. That took me quite a while. Once I was done, I ate some lunch, showered and chatting with Rachel.
Now I am writing this, waiting for my sister to get here. It's our "birthday dinner" tonight (although my birthday isn't for another 2 months), and we are going downtown to the Distillery for dinner which is really nice. Then OFF TO LILY ALLEN!!! Tonight should be a good night. THANK GOODNESS for Lyle remembering to pack the tickets the night before, or I would've forgotten them in Guelph for shizzle.
Tomorrow I'll be downtown all day so that should be good also.
Then off to Niagara for the weekend!!!! Woot!
Only 9 days until I am off to Victoria, so crazy. La la laaaaaa! I am loving April.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Up and Down.

What an odd day. Since analogies seem to be popular lately, I'll think of a good one to describe my day...

I was on a roller coaster and the main drop was a serious blow to my stomach, but then the smaller drops were pleasant and enjoyable and ended up being quite a good ride.

There was also a good analogy last night to add to the collection but I'll write about that later.
Passion and Paradise are interesting metaphoric story-lines I've come to enjoy.

Oh and also... I really am regretting that I didn't get to see Metric OR Kings of Leon this month. So incredibly lame. I guess I'll just have to settle for Lily Allen tomorrow night. Who am I kidding? That's the one I am looking forward to the most.
Still regretting the other 2 though.

Oh and also number 2... I looked at flights and OF COURSE the prices dropped. I could've not had a flight at 8:30am. Stupid airlines, you annoy me (ie. Aircanada).

Alright, naptime!

Monday, April 20, 2009

So WeiRd.

This past weekend was really nice and relaxing.
On Friday morning, I wrote my second last exam. Since I wrote in the stupid Athletic Centre, there were so many people. I had a sneeze attack and then my nose wouldn't stop running for an hour. It was so irritating. On top of that, someone around me had the worst breath ever; pretty much seemed like they hadn't brushed their teeth their entire life. It was nice breathing in death for an hour. Since the exams in the AC were obviously not written very well or way too easy, people were done after 45 minutes. And the mediators were obviously really stupid because they let everyone leave throughout the entire time. It was really distracting.
After that was over, I went home and fell asleep for a couple hours. Since it was so nice on Friday afternoon, I put on a bathing suit and lay in the sun for a couple hours. I really should have studied for my (last!) exam, but I really couldn't bring myself to do it when the weather was so nice. My dad came by to drop off a ton of stuff that I have no idea what to do with, and was here for about 15 minutes before he left. Kristen and I went to the grocery store and LCBO for items to make our dinner. When Lyle eventually came over, we BBQed and drank Strawberry Daiquiris. :) Instead of going out, Lyle and I hung out and got to know each other a little better.
On Saturday morning, we woke up and headed to the Guelph Market. We bought some pastries, freshly squeezed orange juice, and sausage and sat outside in the beautiful weather. We walked around to a couple stores downtown, then grabbed some Harvey's and went back to my house to eat/CRAM/drink Margaritas. I went to my exam and blasted through it in an hour. Since I was wearing a skirt, I definitely found my TA staring at my crotch. That was fun.
For the rest of the day, we went back to Waterloo and picked up some booze and dinner from the grocery store. While drinking Lychee Martinis (yum), we watched some of Metric's concert until Lyle's friends came over. We all just hung out for the rest of the night until we passed out watching The Office.
Sunday we slept in, went to the grocery store to grab breakfast, then Lyle make DELICIOUS berry pancakes (I usually don't like pancakes), sausage and hashbrowns. We stayed in bed looking up Niagara-on-the-Lake B&Bs and hotels in Niagara Falls. After the projectile motion, we ended up finding a really cute B&B for this coming friday as well as Sheraton on the Falls for Sunday night. I'm so excited about this coming weekend! I leave in 11 days so I hope the next 11 days are amazing. I'm sure they will be. :D
We went back to the grocery store and picked up food to make Fajitas. We drank wine and chatted until midnight. In the shower I blacked out and had to stop myself from fainting. I haven't had that feeling since I got my tattoo, it was so weird. I had to sit in cold water for probably 5 minutes to get rid of the overheating feeling I was experiencing and to steady my breathing. I'm still a little confused as to what caused it. That was a fun little adventure.
Now I am back in Guelph sitting around watching House and am bored out of my mind. I hate this crappy weather. I can't wait for this weekend with weather in the 20s. I'm sure it will be a perfect weekend.
I'm off to Toronto tomorrow for the next few days to see Lily Allen on Wednesday and see some people before I leave. Then Friday afternoon, I am out to the Niagara region! Woo woooooo

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Officially summer vacation for 5 months.
La la la.

Friday, April 17, 2009


I really wish I had a Strawberry Margarita or Daiquiri in my hand while I am sitting outside on the deck.
I wouldn't mind giving up a good mark on my exam tomorrow for sipping on a icy beverage.
If only I had someone to drink with!

I want to get burnt, come on UV rays, work your magic.
oh oh oh! My birthmark is getting darker! woo tan.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pictures Galore!

Soooo, unsurprisingly I am procrastinating for my exam tomorrow morning at 8:30am. I am incredibly unmotivated right now and bored of reading about bees. I figured I may as well write about the last couple days and how quick it has flied. Tonight was the first time I ate at home alone in almost a week. It was kind of nice eating fish and pea and peanuts without a worry.
Although I missed Metric on Tuesday and I pissed off Lyle when he was actually being quite sweet with trying to bring the concert to me, it still was a very nice day full of procrastination. During the day, I ate chocolate and watched a spin-off of The Bachelorette called A Shot at Love, which is a bisexual girl looking for love. That is SUCH a dramatic show, holy cow. When Lyle got home from work, we watched a movie called Bottle Shock, (which turned out to be better than I thought) while drinking Corona and eating delicious homemade Souvlaki (made by my amazing chef boyfriend). Then we tested two different types of Haagen Dazs, which were both pretty good. We called it an early night, so we finally had some sleep for the first time in a while. Wednesday morning was great waking up and having oatmeal for breakfast. I took the bus back to Guelph and got the same amount of reading done in 45 minutes for my exam than I read all day on Tuesday and Monday night. Yikes. After writing my exam, I waited for Lyle to come and we went for a walk (oh Gush) and I took a bazillion pictures.It was really nice.

After I got really irritated at Lyle (sorry!) we headed to Waterloo (I had an uncontrollable hysterical laughing fit over pretty much nothing) and made some dinner and watched a cute movie about love and music called Once. I think beer makes me really doozy so I passed out pretty much as soon as I closed my eyes. This morning we woke up to some extreme relaxation and I headed back to Guelph. I passed out again for 3 hours and went outside in THE GORGEOUS weather, studied and tried to get a tan.
I booked my flight to VICTORIA today, and I am OFFICIALLY leaving on May 1st. That is 2 weeks tomorrow, so crazy.
Nowwwww I am just about to study some more, write my exam in the morning and spend the entire day outside tanning on the deck. I am going to eat some pineapple and relax for the rest of the night.
I am looking forward to this weekend of being done exams and the amazing weather.
Only 6 days until Lily Allen!!!!
Only a week until Niagara-on-the-Lake and Niagara Falls!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Giggle Giggle.

Watching eHarmony commerials makes me laugh a little.
He he heeeeee.

Easter Weekend.

This past weekend was quite dandy. Other than having to study for an exam, it was full of yummy food and good company. I was originally quite nervous about meeting Lyle's parents, but after a slightly awkward lunch, it became somewhat bearable and actually very enjoyable. Both of them are very sweet and being around them gave me a very deja vu feeling that brought me back to a long time ago. They even got a me a cavity-filled goody bag for Easter. I am enjoying my "sugar" daddy and his family.
I was also introduced to a new perspective of Tetris, which was quite overwhelming. As well as having a real Tetris match, which was quite enjoyable until I lost in sudden-death mode.

A few other cute things that have happened since then:
- Hot chocolate w/coconut
- Kitty named Passion analogy
- Procrastinating hardcore
- Guessing on almost half of a final exam
- Pretzels
- Drinking beer and eating more wings than you
- Seeing someone faint during dinner, and the scare it gave me
- Surprise coconut oil massages
- Breakfast in bed
- Watching really bad movies on TV (mostly on the W network, like right now)... This movie is really intense, it's called Double Cross. All the women seem to be nuts over these men that treat them like poo-nanner. These movies all make it seem that all men have affairs and think they are better than their wives. It's quite ironic that this is on a women's channel. Go empowerment!!

I am looking forward to exams being over in a few days time, and officially being on summer vacation. Weekends always seem to be great lately, and this weekend and next weekend (hopefully going to Niagara Falls) will be very memorable. I am counting on it. Time has been flying.

I can't believe I am leaving for out west so soon... I still haven't booked my flight, and it's getting harder to want to leave after these last couple weeks. Alas, I'll be gone by the beginning of May. I will probably be in more debt when I get back than I am now, but I have hope that it will all be worth it!

Anyways, it's now almost 2:15pm, and I have an exam in 24 hours which I have hardly studied for.
Looking forward to 5:00pm today :)

Monday, April 13, 2009


I wish I was going to METRIC tomorrow
hint hint.

Oh My F***.

That just about sums up my amazing Easter weekend...
Now I have my first final in 6 hours. I am going to sleep for approximately 2 hours, then up to study!
I really can't complain about it, and I definitely don't regret staying up much too late, and being 3 hours late for my studying curfew. Alas. I don't care. I am too content and overjoyed to be worried about it.
La la la.
Sleepytime :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009


I was asked recently by a special someone what my hobbies were... I then began to really think if I have any. It soon dawned on me, as it has before, that I have a very special hobby.
Writing about myself.
I seem to be very good at talking/writing/explaining the happenings of my life, even if it is boring. It turns out that I absolutely love talking about myself! Who knew.
I decided right then and there that I was going to create (another) diary about my life so the world can see the fun and unique adventures I find myself in, and the people that make it all worthwhile.
If I am dedicated enough, I may even start putting up pieces of the romance novel I have been writing.
This is mostly to document what I hope to be the BEST SUMMER EVER in Victoria with some of my greatest friends on this lovely planet. In the meantime though, I will write about what I think so far to be the best April ever. Other than the small episode of snow this week (ew), this past week has been flawless (well, nearly flawless - minus embarrassment galore).

-Fashion show in my grandmother's real vintage 60's clothing, mothballs included.
-Attempting to french braid hair.
-Making emends with an old friend, and shopping for sweet new shades.
-Seeing green grass and buds on trees for the first time in months.
-Going on my first real first date.
-Being introduced to some great music.
- Vampire Weekend - Ottoman ---> I literally want to walk in the middle of the streets and flail my arms about and dance like no one is watching.
-Talking and singing stupidly for hours with a blue eyed beauty.
-Getting to know my male-counterpart.
-Embarrassment factor of when the guy I am seeing finds my vibrator hidden in my bed.
-Thoughtful apology gifts with Haagen Dazs ice cream, mini-eggs, and my new dog Otto.
-Receiving an 88% on a paper worth 40% of my grade.
-Unexpected surprises.
-And of course, stuffing my face full of sushi. Ow.

That is about all I can think of to begin with. It has been a fabulous week. I feel so euphoric and happy to be alive. I wish this feeling would never end... How I love spring and summer, and the happiness it brings.

First Post...

This is a TEST!