Sunday, January 26, 2014

Counting Down.

Oh nelly, only 8 days until my 3 week vacation. I never thought I would be so excited for a chai latte in my life. However, after a trip to Vermont and endless cafés in Toronto and Montreal, I still have not found its equal. It's been months of research, and all ending with disappointing results. 
Only a few more days!! 
Definitely looking forward to another vacation. 
5 days left of work. Counting it down...

I think this year is going to be a good one. Fingers crossed, knock on wood, no jinxes. ❤️🇺🇸

I applied for a new job this week, and this is the support I get from the best boyfriend ever. 
Is this for real? How did I ever get so lucky? 

Oh god, barf.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


You know you've been watching too many British television shows when the voice inside your head has an accent. 

Great shows though.

Got the apartment!! The loft is mine!! Moving in March. 

But before that, I have another holiday. 
18 days until I have 22 days off.
Life is actually wonderful. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Grinning ear to ear 😀.

Finally back at home after a wonderful winter holiday. Things are moving forward and I like it.

It's a time to move on from the familiar, so I've decided to move closer to downtown. Signing the papers this week. A little nervous but ready to do something different. Plus, who gets the opportunity to live in a loft in high park? I would be an idiot to pass that up.
I've been so happy over the last few months, and I hope it continues. 
Life is on my side. 
I'm so lucky and so grateful for what I have ❤️.

I wonder what will happen next!