Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Big Guns.

Yesterday I had my first big booking. $16,000 booking. Pretty spectacular! I was super nervous and my hands were shaking because I thought I was going to come off like a inexperienced consultant (which I totally am) but it went completely flawless. Knock on wood.
It's pretty amazing how much money people spend on travel. I wish they were not so few and far between or I could actually make decent money at this job.
Only one more day of work and I am off to Victoria for a long weekend. It's a long overdue visit. I am in need of some relaxation!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Global Warming.

I hate to say it, but I love the fact that global warming is progressively getting worse. I know, it's awful - there are many polar bears that are struggling for survival etc etc... however, I hate the winter, so for me, it works.

(I am choosing to be naive).

I truly am a different person when the weather is nice. Maybe my Vitamin D levels were incredibly low, as well as my spirits. I feel that there are very few things that could put a damper on my mood lately. Even after having a 10 hour shift yesterday, I went home with the windows down and went for a 45 minute jog. I almost died because I am still a little out of shape, but I could not stop moving. I did not want to go and sit at home if the sun was still shining on my face. It didn't hurt that I was jamming out to my music. I even got honked at 3 times. Like seriously? I'm all gross when I am jogging, not the most attractive of moments. Oh well, still helped lift my spirits. I definitely pulled a muscle and walking with a slight limp, but I do not care. I'm too positive to be negative.

I feel so motivated to keep busy - I even go to bed at a decent time so I can wake up early and enjoy the morning with my cat. This is in comparison to me normally falling out of bed 30 minutes before my shift. Further, I did all my dishes for the last couple weeks (gross I know) while watching the finale of Walking Dead. Have to say - I was a little disappointed. Not quite the epic ending that I expected.

I feel different, I feel happy and content with my life. It hasn't been this way for months, so I am glad to be back to myself. I took a long walk at lunch, more like a stroll (hands in my pocket, in no rush), down to Subway today and sat in a park on a bench. I just love being warm all over. It makes me so happy. The grass is starting to become green again too - it is so lovely.

I am looking forward to sitting on patios for the next few days, and being warm and probably burning my skin. Apparently they have been crazy busy over the past few days.

Victoria next week. Oh man. So excited.. I should buy a camera. Too bad I don't have any money!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

42 Minutes.

It took exactly one Mumford & Sons album to drive from Guelph door to Toronto door. I thought that was pretty cool how it worked out. I finally picked up my mail from Guelph, which turned out to be around 30 envelopes. Considering it has been at least 8 months since I got my mail, I was quite relieved to know that I do not owe any company an obscene amount of money. On the contrary, I actually received hundreds of dollars of government money. Woo!
I'm glad I went - it seems that I know more people in Guelph than I thought. St. Patty's Day was a good day to go, lots of people going back to visit. I did feel quite old though when I first arrived, everybody looks so young and a lot of them, quite tragic looking. But once the drinks were a-flowin, I felt like a student again. Plus, I can always count on Guelph to boost my self-esteem, random people calling out at you left, right and center -- good for the confidence.

I feel good - it's been a great weekend.
Just what I needed.
I was even wearing shorts all night and did not get cold!

Having sushi may not have been the prime choice for lunch after a hefty night of drinking, but oh well.
Mmm, naptime.

Saturday, March 17, 2012



I started reading some of my old (really old and more current) entries about my numerous past relationships that I have publicly written about. I have been shaking my head and laughing at myself for about 20 minutes. I have found a general theme of my entries after a break up, and do not want to continue it. It is actually quite predictable.

How can I put it...
Metaphoric stupidity?
Contemptuous pity?
Lacking love?

Those could all fit quite nicely and are repeatedly seen in the majority of my entries. I first started a blog in 2003 ( for the sole purpose of writing down all of the daily happenings of my life, interesting or not. This was grade 11 for goodness sake. Considering it was just after my mom died, I still made ridiculous jokes and made up words on a daily basis. It would take me an hour or two a day to write about my bus ride and how many tests I did not pass in high school. This was around the time that I found out I was moving to Ontario permanently. I enjoy going back to revisit myself as a youngen, but I truly have not changed that much.

I am now just rambling off, but I did have a point of writing this.

I may have not changed very much as a person, definitely still the spoiled and self-centered type, however my writing has changed drastically. This has probably stemmed from the fact that I put so much of my energy into my relationships, that once they fall apart I become more negative and angsty. I have done numerous amazing things over the past few years, yet never took the time to write about them (I do have the memory of a goldfish). However, I have invested much of my time saying rude and hurtful (public) things about people I have dated.

The question is, what is the point?
Has it made me feel better writing these things?

I do not think I want temporary fixes anymore, well certain ones are okay. :p

I have Victoria, Bahamas and Greece to look forward to.
Let's focus on that.


Nothing lasts forever - except honey. My relationships are never as sweet as honey.

You're probably right - maybe I am meant to be alone.

Friday, March 9, 2012


Oh this is familiar...

Addiction 2 Katy 0

Friday, March 2, 2012

Blue Mazda 3.

My little box of joy.

My car was parked after I probably shouldn't have been driving.

I sat in my car tonight and just screamed lyrics to songs at full blast - my ears are now ringing. I don't feel like I can just get out my frustration many other ways.
Sometimes I just want to put music on and drive until I cannot drive anymore - who knows where it will take me. But I don't really care at the moment as long as its away from the life I live right now.

I just want to scream and sing and look stupid from passer-byers because at least I can be myself for once.

I need to get out.