Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Oops. I shouldn't be allowed on eBay. I always shop for things I don't really need. I did only buy a bathing suit ( could be nice, maybe not... Could fit, maybe not ). However I did find my next purchase. Maybe I'll go check them out tomorrow, they are super hot. I want them really badly. A little expensive but I have some cash to burn :) 


Today ( I hope ) was the start of my vacation time. It was relaxing minus the constant stress of weather the two days before my flight.

I had an interesting business offer tonight that I have been contemplating for the past few hours. Don't they say that when things seem too good to be true, they usually are? Ill have time to think about it on my trip, especially since the weather looks pretty crap. I'm glad I didn't spend too much on this trip. At the very least, I have a potential business client for FC who travels all the time.

Whenever the wind is this heavy, I wish I had a cuddle buddy. It sounds like something keeps smashing against my window. Tonight I will leave my phone on in case someone else feels the same.

I probably won't write before I leave unless it is cancelled. In that case I will be writing a strongly worded post about how I hate everything. Otherwise I'll write about it on my return.

Fingers crossed that everything will work out. I would really love to see the sun, feel its heat and listen to the waves.

Monday, February 25, 2013


Okay so I'm leaving in 3 days. I'm getting excited and it's making these work days easier to get through.
I'm starting to get ready for it.
First thing that needed to be done:


My feet look much more kissable than before. They were looking a little sad.
It's going to be absolutely amazing wearing flip flops again. Plus you get a massage while you sit. My body is happy.

Hopefully I have time to get everything done. I really don't have much time when I'm not working. However if its meant to be, today will be my last day at jacks for a week!! Yippee!!

I even got a pita for lunch today. I have been craving one for weeks. It's been a good day.

Sunday, February 24, 2013


Who said you can't start drinking at 3am? Not me.
Down the hatch!

It's been an interesting evening.


Friday, February 22, 2013

I am the Great White Buffalo.


I never took myself to be a buffalo, but in this case I guess it's complimentary?

Thursday, February 21, 2013


What are you supposed to do when you have a problem that only one person can help you with? What are you supposed to do when this person wants nothing to do with you anymore?
You lie in bed where your thoughts get darker and darker, yet there is no way of making it go away.

I keep asking myself whether this small thing is worth the anxiety. I have no one to talk to because they don't know me well enough to understand, nor do I care to tell them. My inner turmoil is so great that I don't know what to do or where to go. If the situation plays out the way it does in my head, the consequences could be monumental or even repetitive.

I wonder who would be on my side.

I need to think about something else because I go crazy with built up aggression and frustration.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Definitely a vodka and chocolates kind of evening.
I'm reminded why I don't give myself too much time alone.

Monday, February 4, 2013


It hurts.

I decided this weekend that I wanted to start doing squats. A bigger butt and legs never hurt anyone and I would like to get in better shape this year.

But damn, it burns.

They say start with 3 reps of 15-20, but of course I read this after I had done 2 reps of 50. I would really like to tone up a bit before I go away in 3.5 weeks. Squats are also good for your upper abs if you have the right posture, so it hurts to sit up in bed right now.

I also (finally) went and bought a yoga mat and a few DVDs so I can do yoga at home every day. It's actually quite nice doing yoga during the day - it's just going to be tough over the next couples weeks when I'm at FC. With these 2 exercises I think it will help my cardio, flexibility, circulation (no more frigid hands) and slightly aggressive side. Plus my apartment is perfect for it. This will all be a good warm up to my jogging routine that will start once the weather gets nicer. I don't want to catch a cold. Bonus: the new guy from work has a hook up at lulu lemon and can get me 50% off. Awesomeeeee.

Today was a great day off- I feel like I got to accomplish a few things but also had time to relax. I was even up earlier than usual.
Tomorrow I am back to work, and checking out Winterlicious in the evening. I haven't been this year and am craving a steak or prime rib. Apparently Canyon Creek has an amazing prime rib sandwich that I must try, especially since I get 25% off woot! Between my 2 jobs I get discounts on 2 of my favourite things, food and travel, I'm quite lucky.

Guess I shall go to sleep. Hoping that yoga and exercise helps me sleep a little bit better, I'm quite tired of waking up so often in the night. Plus I've been dreaming badly - last night I had a "paranormal activity" dream and didn't want to open my eyes since I thought a little girl was watching me sleep. Shutter.

Fingers crossed I will have good dreams, I like those a lot better.

Last thing, if you want to watch a cool cover video, look up Walk off the Earths cover of Trouble by Taylor Swift.