Monday, March 24, 2014


I've been looking at the screen for a while, with so many things to say but not sure where to start. 

I feel like I'm floating on a cloud sometimes, skipping down the street and singing "la la la" in my head. Life is too perfect to put into words. I may not have much money in the bank, but the fact that I've taken off more vacation just in 2014 than most people in 3 years, I can't really be upset. I truly have been working to live my life fully, and working less hours than anyone I know. Some may think I don't take my life seriously, but in reality, I take my life more seriously than most because I live. I have my stressful days, once in a while, but generally I float along in my little world finding it hard to relate to people because I'm happier than them. 
I have my perfect loft, my kitty for company, a job I don't hate, and the ability to vacation all the time. To top it off, I have the blessing of loving someone unconditionally and having that love returned, plus more.
This probably comes off as conceded, but I don't think there is anything wrong with admitting happiness. Bliss. People take it the wrong way because they are envious and not sure how to get to this level. 
I realize that this type of happiness doesn't always last, so I'm making note of it. Maybe to reflect and motivate me later. However, it's spring and soon will be summer. Last year was one for the record books, and I have hopes that this year will be, at least, on par. 
Less than five weeks and I'll have another two weeks of vacation. Then after that, every weekend will be an adventure. 

Who knows what will happen over the next six months, but I am ready for all the shenanigans that will entail.