Monday, August 27, 2012


Just wanted to write a bit about my weekend. Out of all the negativity experienced this summer, I want to focus on the positive.

Friday night, I didn't do much other than ridding myself of negative influences. Unfortunately, I still was not feeling my best so I had another terrible sleep.

I woke up bright and early Saturday morning to pack up, make lunch and head to Sauble. It was an absolutely beautiful day although I was exhausted. We made great time and got to the campground around 11:30am. We set up the tiny tent and met up with Jess and Anthony who were next to our site. It was nice because they had the site I had last time. We sat around chatting for a bit, packed up our bags and biked/longboarded down to the beach. It wasn't too overrun with people, and frolicked in the water for a while taking pictures underwear. The waves were quite a bit bigger than normal, and I had a slightly scary moment when my cough mixed with swimming made me struggle for air and needed help. BUT other than that, everything was fine, lol. I started to get really cold, so everyone got out and hung out at the beach and relaxed.

Best underwater photo ever.

I watched a women with terrible parenting skills neglect her daughter, and made it very clear that I was displeased. So by the time we left, she was watching us watch her. We stopped to get some gelato-ice cream and back to the beach. Anthony ate it on his longboard so we had to bandage him up. I did some reading until it was time to head for dinner. We are all incredibly dehydrated so we drank a lot of water and ate quite a bit of food. I was impressed with myself that I ate anything because I was so exhausted.

We headed back to the site and changed into some campfire wear, drank beers (I only had 2 because of my antibiotics), ate smores and discussed/debated about evolution and other random things. I hate knowing the time while I am away (TICO TIME!) so I figured we all headed to bed around 9:30pm, but it was closer to 1am. We were all wearing head lamps, so when Jess and I went to the bathroom to brush our teeth we thought of a funny idea. This, of course, happened after Jessika almost gave herself a nosebleed from smacking herself in the face with the headlamp. Our brillant idea: we tried to sneak up on the boys, and got Jessika's phone, put the strobe-light setting on the headlamp and starting rocking out to dubstep.

It was pretty amazing... and hilarious.

We then all headed to sleep, and I yelled at Anthony to take off his bandage before bed. It seemed that all of us had terrible sleeps - for me, it was just uncomfortable, cold and kept being woken up by other people (ahem, Jess and Anthony) but not for the reasons you are thinking. In the middle of the night Anthony was puking his guts out (we are not sure why) and when they tried to go to their car, they set the car alarm off. It was a great sleep for all..... however, on a bright note, I went the entire night without choking on my cough!

We were all up around 8:00am for various reasons but wanted to spend the entire day at the beach. My nose was already the color of crimson, so actually put some sunscreen on my face. We made a quick breakfast with what we had left and drove downtown so Jess and Anthony could have breakfast. I had some tea that tasted like metal. I thought it would be fun to actually look at real estate, so I picked up a brochure to read at the beach. Anthony had mentioned that there was water trampolines that you could use, so we literally pooled our money together. It was $20.00 per person per 1/2 hour, and we found $78.00 total so they let us go since they knew we really wanted to. They drove us out and started at the first one. A trampoline but "Wipe out" style. We basically all got hurt in one way or another but it wasn't until we went to the SECOND trampoline that we started having a ton of fun. It had a rope swing attached to it so there were flips and jumps being done off of it into the water (actually pretty scary being on slippery plastic with 3 foot waves). I thought I was going to take off my lifejacket, but was very glad I didn't. It was pretty intense.

Some fat dude randomly swam up and wanted to try it. He first ate it by slipping off the platform and nailed his ass on the ladder. Then when he finally did swing, he landed directly on his back and hurt himself again. Needless to say, he didn't try a third time. He just swam away probably slightly embarrassed. It was only supposed to be 30 minutes, but the gave us over an hour because I guess we seemed to be having a good time or something :P. We headed back to shore being very glad that we did it.

We walked through the water and set up our stuff down the beach. I ended up reading the entire real estate book from back to front for about 2 hours. I was getting really excited because I think I could afford a place in Sauble Beach. I think my parents had it right, doing the summer home first. When I think about it, I have no idea where I am going to be working or where I will settle down. However, I do know that I would spend every weekend up north if I had the opportunity, or, I could rent it out for half the summer. It seems like a good idea if I can come up with the down payment. I picked out a few places that I was interested in and we are going to find them if we go back to Sauble next weekend. I think it would perfect for me and gives me something to work toward over the next year or so. I can just imagine how much fun I would have fixing it up and making it my own. I already have ideas.

Had some beach burgers and spent more time in the water, chasing waves and diving under them, being thrown head first over them and riding them into shore. We finished the weekend by relaxing from being exhausted and thinking of the fun we had acting like children all day. It was sad saying goodbye but we had a long drive home. It didn't take me long to fall asleep, and actually slept well.

That's it for me, early to bed early to rise.
I need a new book to read but I think it would be inappropriate to read an Erotica on the way to work...

PS: Breaking Bad made me angry tonight. Walt, you're a dick.
But I can say this, I definitely didn't expect that ending.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Out with a BANG.

I just wanted to say that this was the best weekend of my entire summer. 
I have some wicked photos, UNFORTUNATELY my camera is dead and cannot find the charger anywhere. I have been looking for 30 minutes. 
Maybe it is in my car - I'll look tomorrow. The bikes are finally out of my car so it actually LOOKS like a car (still slightly messy) but you can actually see the back seats now. WOW!

I haven't had a solid sleep in 2 weeks, but maybe tonight will be the first. 
I'm exhausted.
I'll write about it during my procrastination time while training downtown tomorrow.

Night night.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Going to sleep to a happy ending.

Great Quote.

I have been thinking a lot about the direction my life is going, and I came across this quote when making my daily emails to my colleagues:

I think it is fantastic. Saying just push a little more, just one more day, you never know what is going to happen. Hard work pays off.

You can always turn your life around, but play the cards you have been dealt.
I know, easier said than done. But at least it's something to hold on to.

I had my first nightmare about my kitty last night, I woke up balling my eyes out. :( I don't know what I do without my fluff ball cuddled up next to me.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I seem to always think of funny things to write about right before I go to sleep and then forget.
Oh well.
On another note, the biggest dilemma I am facing today is what our Dodgeball team should be called.

Here are some of the brainstormed ideas with my colleagues:

The Artful Dodgers
Average Joes
Just Dodgy
Midair Collision!
The Air Balls
OR (my ideas) Way better I think:
Not in the face (found this one online and burst out laughing) 
 It's going to be a similar team as last season, but some new faces. I'm super excited for Thursdays again, it was so much fun. I am looking forward to throwing spongey balls at strangers faces... soooooo stress relieving. I'm trying to remind myself any way I can of the perks of having this low paying job. This is definitely one of them.

Oh, and our underwater Octopushy team that won gold last week (don't ask if you don't know). That was pretty stellar too. Most companies will give you a pat on the back or some lame prize. But my company? 15 free drinks!! Boo yeah! Solid night.

Further, I have a poker tournament on Thursday which I am totally going to kick some Flightie ASS at. There is pretty good money up for grabs. 

Man, then Friday I am heading up to Sauble for the weekend. It's going to be a good week!

Of course, minus the vomit parties from my dry cough and the very expensive prescription I am on. But that's okay! Minor detail...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wicked Witch.

Story #1:
So the newest person that entertained the office was a woman that looked a great deal like the wicked witch, but with worse teeth, a criminal record, and an amazing cackle. When you think of cackle (ie: Snow White, Wizard of Oz), that is the sound came out of her mouth when she laughed (which was often).

Side note:  I forgot the name of the Wizard of Oz, so I looked up "No place like home" in Google, and it's actually a sex education website as well.

She wanted a trip to Berlin because she wanted to see THE BEST BAND EVER IN CONCERT: Green Day. The only other bands good in concert (to her standard) were Rolling Stones and All-American Rejects. She was prepared to spend $5000.00 for 5 days to Berlin. She wasn't sure if she was going to get her passport in time, and said she wasn't allowed to cross the US border, but she just sold her house and had a lot of money.

She definitely was an interesting personality, and laughed at everything that came out of her own mouth. Her gap-tooth made me lick my own front teeth to ensure I didn't look like that. We all just looked at each other with amazement that people get through life thinking they are normal. But I just found it all entertaining.

Story #2:
I can sum this up quickly. He wanted to take an empty car battery on board with him.
I don't think I need to say any more.

Actually, I do.
He ended up going to Value Village and picking up an electric wheelchair (for $42) so he can check the wheelchair and use the batteries in that and no one will question it. (this was not advised by anyone in the office, but a brilliant idea I must say).
I can't be sure what he is going to do with said battery, but hopefully he doesn't blow up the plane because this is now on the internet and can get traced back to me.

Oh well.
Worth the story.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Oh yes, and stairs.
How could I forget stairs.


I had an interesting epiphany today while I was at head office.

About butts.

I know people say chivalry is dead, however men hold open the door for me all the time, and let me walk first. Same with the elevator.
How nice.

I realized that you can tell if a man is a "butt guy" if he holds open the door or elevator or lets you walk first ever. It's apparently so gentlemanly, but they are just butt watchers.

I do acknowledge that I have a nice bottom so it makes more sense why people are so nice to me.

Just wanted to shed light on the truth behind door openers.

Also, wanted to note that this is tragic.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

New Album.

I have been a fan of The Temper Trap for a little while now, but am a little disappointed in their new album. I find it a little boring.
I'm going to see them tonight, and hopefully their new stuff will amaze me more live.

My voice and lungs have almost had enough of this dry cough that I have. I hope it doesn't get worse after tonight - I was thinking of selling the tickets but know I would regret it if I did.

I won't have my dancing partner for Fader, but I will deal.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


I wanted to shed light on a moral dilemma I've been having with myself over the past couple days.

One of my clients, well he's quite old. No, no, I'm not thinking I should marry him until he drops...

That's not my biggest concern.

Now that I do think about it, he smokes A LOT and has made clear he has money to burn...

No, no. Back to my original point.
Focus now.

I have spent quite a bit of time planning his trip, and yes, I did make quite a bit of money on him. But when I make that much money on someone I feel bad about it (I'm not meant to be in sales). He has now called or came in everyday trying to take me out for lunch as a thank you. It's not exactly a "big whoop" if I go for lunch, but I am questioning 2 things:
1. Is he thinking I am going to be his young arm candy?
(more so this one) 2. Am I taking advantage of this situation by saying "you're welcome" for helping him, when I should be the one saying "thank you for the huge addition to my paycheck"?

I lied to him on the phone today saying I brought lunch (when I didn't) because I feel awkward around him. Like, I'm avoiding a date I don't want to go on.

I told him I would call next week to plan a time, but I reallllly don't want to.

It's going to be pulling on me all weekend.
What a struggling life I lead.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Even though it was bad of me, I drove home after having a few drinks last night.

I know, I know... slap on the wrist for Katy.

I just wanted to note how ridiculously drunk I get when I drink beer. Give me hard liquor, I'm good to go for hours. However, when a beer is in my hand, I am a mess.
Case in point, last summer on Brandon's birthday. You can go back and read about it if you want to shake your head with disgust and amazement.

Karma for drinking and driving (a little):

My wonderful cat loves me so much.
SO MUCH that she left 2 presents in my room for my arrival. One giganto puke pile on my white duvet cover and another one underneath my desk chair. It now looks like there is a poop stain across my bed. It grosses me out.

After rubbing my cat's face in her presents, I passed out real nice and woke up WIDE AWAKE at 6:00am. I realized that I had been sleeping with my mouth open (very attractive), and after a night of drinking, I was incredibly dehydrated. As soon as I got out of bed, I felt dizzy and realized that I was still drunk. I had some tap water and passed out again, and almost missed my alarm for work.
When I finally did wake up, I noticed the other present sitting on my bed that one of my client's gave me on Monday. Noo, no poop stains (quite the opposite). He got me a travel size kit with shampoo, conditioner, deodorant and body wash! Very sweet.
You wonder why would I bring up the fact that my clients adore me... other than wanting to bring up the fact that my clients adore me.... but ALSO because they think I need a refresher (ha!) on personal hygiene.

Very ironic.
So, the point of my story.

The guy who brought it in, not only brought in the gift, but also brought his incredibly foul smelling personal odor. This guy probably has never been with a woman (he's 45) and never was introduced to "Showering for Dummies" (<--- not actually a book, but a BRILLIANT idea that should be given to anyone that:
A. covers up their stink with other foul odors, like bad cologne
B. does not shower
C. [most common] thinks using deodorant is "unethical")

Ha, I make myself laugh. I wonder if I can copyright that idea so no one makes a gag gift and makes millions off it.

Anyways, should get back to work. Just wanted to share one of my ironic adventures in travel, without having anything to do with travel (ironic in its own words).