Friday, April 19, 2013

People say (and do) the darnedest things.

I feel like I should just rename this blog the title of this post because I deal with such stupid people on a daily basis.

Not sure if anyone remembers Mr. Impressive (actual email address name) from last summer when I was looking for a roommate, but if you need a reminder check out the picture below.

I recently posted a new ad for a roommate and a guy responded. I posted his email below as well. Does the arrogant comments about blow jobs and models seem similar to you?
Well colour me ginger, they are the same person almost a year later!! I burst out laughing when I compared the emails.

It's just been that type of week.

However today, I did get to have lunch at my favourite restaurant and have dinner outside on a patio. Further, I did get to wear a skirt all day without feeling cold. That's a bonus for me.

I've been pretty drama free lately and it's been lovely. But this week, holy cow, people are seriously angsty and bitchy. Surprisingly after everything that has happened this week and the bad news I have received, I'm just shaking my head and laughing.
What else can you do? You can't control people's reactions, but you sure as hell can control your own.