Sunday, January 13, 2013

Relaxation. With a hint of annoyance.

Definitely going to sleep in, watch movies and do absolutely nothing tomorrow on my day off. Then get to do it all over again next week working downtown.

I think the world is mocking me, I have heard way too many people having sex over the past few days. Are you trying to rub it in, world? Because its working. I really hope I don't sound as awful as the people I have heard. :s walking down my hall? Really? It's been a long day. I'm so happy ( and jealous ) you are having sex on the kitchen table right by the door, but I don't need to hear the "sexy talk" as well - it grosses me out.

I was going to take an audio video of it because it was SO loud, but thought the was creepy and didn't want it on my phone if it wasn't me doing it.