Thursday, January 31, 2013


Who is this?
Ugh, creepy person.
Definitely never speaking to again.
We were never even friends.
I never noticed this person before.

These were some of my mental responses to the people I had on my Facebook account. I decided that I was tired of reading about people I did not care about, so did a huge purge - a 300 person purge. Meanwhile, I could have purged at least another 50-100 but left them on for now. These people were either from high school in Calgary, high school in Oakville, elementary school (come on), and university people I was friends with when I went out every night or worked with.

I basically asked myself "if I was walking down the street, would I stop to have a conversation with this person or avoid eye contact". My response was usually the latter of the two.

I have been reading about the research done on Facebook and how if you are an avid Facebook looker, you have higher chance of having depression and anxiety. You see other people having a great ol' time or moving through life at a different pace and it can be depressing. I get it. So I figured if there are way less people on my account, there will be less updates- this leading to me being on Facebook even less than I am now and happy happy happy! Okay, maybe not. But I still feel better about it.

I recommend this to anyone with more than 500 "friends". No one has 500 real friends, or at least I sure don't. You may ask "why don't you just delete Facebook"? The answer is simple, it was made for networking, and I would still like to keep in contact with these people. Maybe they are not people that I am best buds with, but they are people I could message or go for coffee with.

Anyways. I guess I should get back to work. It's been pretty lax and I have been training a new guy at the shop. He is a little strange and asked me to take photos of him without his shirt on (in the most platonic way possible) but it was still weird after only knowing him for 2 days. We all think he may be gay. Oh, and he calls me "Kat" like "cat (meow)" and I hate it, but don't have the heart to tell him to piss off. Nicknames after 2 days? Definitely gay.

Yes, he has a long term girlfriend. Go figure.

Geez, and now it's blue sky?! Are you kidding me. OF COURSE it was a blizzard with 5 accidents on the way this morning.