Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I woke up at 6:30am after a pretty interesting dream. It was a dream where you want to keep dreaming, but for some reason your mind instantly turns on and there is no going back. Usually this only happens during sexy dreams... not this morning. It shows where my head is at.

They are preparing for a party.
People are setting up everywhere.
I am dressed in a long green dress that pushes my bosoms into my chin.
The gentleman beside me is dressed in a black and white penguin suit, curly hair and dark features.

It looks like a scene from Pride and Prejudice.

He is trying to woo me.
I am playing hard to get.
We are putting cutlery on the white tablecloths.
The tables seem to go on for miles.
The white tent is pitched in the middle of a green meadow surrounded with old trees swinging in the wind.

Then of course it ends. Before the meal, and the dancing. Damn it.
I guess it is better than the dream I woke up to yesterday morning, where I was chasing around a girl trying to kill her, and visa versa. In that dream, I threw her off a balcony.