Friday, July 29, 2011


Fuck fuck fucking fuckkkkkkk. I have been told numerous times that I have a potty mouth, but I have found that it has gotten worse over the last few months. I am increasingly more irritated, short-fused, upset, mad, impatient... Any synonym you can think of that defines unhappy.
I'm sorry, but what the fuck did I do to deserve such garbage? Yes, I have not been the e best person in the world, but I try really fucking hard to be caring, loving, trusting, thoughtful, forgiving.... And any other synonym that defines a great girlfriend.
I have come down to the conclusion to never follow my heart. It is always wrong! Illogical! Fucking WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My stomach has been doing bellyflops yesterday morning and today, I'm pretty sure it is my gut saying "throw out what makes you sick".
I will always deserve better than crying everyday. You know what? I have even been tempted lately to start smoking. Me. Ms. I've-never-smoked-a-cigarette. I'm starting to feel the weight and of course, my skin is starting to show it too. Too bad I'm not that weak, but I am going a little fucking insane.