Thursday, July 7, 2011


Hmm... I have opened this to write three separate times today. I seem to be without any thoughts lately. There are things worth writing about, mainly my killer tan and front page article for my kickball tournament in May. But I want to write something more... But what?
When I was on my way home from Owen Sound yesterday, I started to think about whether I see my future in the city, country or somewhere random in-between. I truly love driving through the country with my windows down, music full blast and random manure smells that pass every few minutes. However, I am a city girl to the bone, and incredibly high maintenance. I would love to have a lovely place somewhere outside of the city where I can walk my future dog and hear nature. Even more so, I would love to go to sleep and wake up to the sound of crashing waves.
I guess I am just thinking about it because I find out about school in a week, and will need to start making some decisions. Unfortunately, as to everyone's knowledge, I cannot make decisions. I need to figure out a bunch of things, so it will be a very interesting and transitional time.
I do know how excited I am for saturday. It's going to be a solid day.