Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wonderful Weekend.

Only after working 3 days last week, and making the most money I have ever made in tips, I had the weekend off. Friday night I worked very late, and didn't get back to the house until around 3am. I had to be up before 7am because I had to catch the first bus to Toronto. Standing at the bus stop, it was sunny and beautiful and I had my sunglasses on. I was supremely tired as it was, so I tried to sleep on the bus but the black male beside me was blaring his music at 730am. By the time I got to Toronto, it was overcast and I was pretty pressed for time. I hopped on the subway out to Islington to meet my aunt. When I got off of the subway, it was torrential down pouring thunderstorms. My aunt and I headed up north, and it slowly got nicer and nicer weather. By the time we got to their cottage, it was sunny and clear blue skies and stayed that way all weekend.
I hung out with the family all Saturday. We went tubing (bad idea) with my uncle driving. My cousins call it "death tubing" because you attach 2 tubes to the back of the boat and hit into each other. I got kicked off, literally 3 times, choking on lake water every single time. By the time we got back, it was almost dinner. Only running on 3 hours of sleep and getting beaten for a couple hours really made me exhausted, so I passed out for almost 2 hours until dinner was ready. After dinner, everyone was pretty tired so we got into pajamas and played Trivial Pursuit for a while until we all went to bed.
On Sunday, I woke up pretty late and walked over to the neighbours for breakfast with the 2 most annoying 15 year olds I've ever met. As soon as breakfast was over, I left to come back to the cottage. I helped my aunt and uncle put up a hammock and curled up in it for a couple hours reading Harry Potter. Not really reading Harry Potter, because I fell asleep within 3 pages. I went to tan on the dock, and unfortunately I'm a good cousin so I had to go tubing with Lyora because I promised her I would. I pretty much thought I was going to die. Like the day before, it was windy and really choppy waves and was flung off the tube ANOTHER 3 times until I was pretty sure my leg was completely bruised. It ended up being a 6 inch bruise on the back of my leg. Nice. I was pretty broken by the time we got back, so we had a quick dinner and my uncle and I headed back to Mississauga. Traffic was pretty terrible so we didn't get back until around 11pm. I called Chris and he met up with me at my uncle's place. He was up north as well, so we shared stories and played some pool for a bit. He had to work at 730am and I had to be up at 7am so we called it an early night.
Monday I woke up, had a shower for the first time in 3 days. Ew, I know. It felt so nice. Got ready and my uncle drove me to Square One to catch the bus to Guelph. I got there just after 9am, so I went to the library to check my email then hopped on the bus downtown to meet one of my favorite people ever. LYDIA! She looked so pretty and fashionable from her France adventure. I picked up my ticket, and we went to catch the bus to the house. We got back, made food for the few items I still had in the fridge. We went for a walk down to DQ to pick up some ice cream, got cold from it being so windy, so we went to the mall for a bit and I bought a couple things for cheap cheap cheap. Walked back to the house and watched Little Miss Sunshine until we had to make dinner early. Made a pretty decent meal considering we didn't buy any groceries (steak, broccoli, fries) and took the bus back downtown to catch our buses. We saw this disgusting woman coming off the bus - she was NOT wearing underwear underneath her pants which were falling down and showing all of her... bush and area. Really really gross. It actually made me slightly nauseous.
Took the bus back, my aunt picked me up and I went home. Fell asleep for a couple hours, then talked to Brent on the phone for a couple more. Had to get up early because I was working yesterday morning.

My hands are tired so I'm not going to write anymore.