Monday, July 6, 2009

Gah, nightmare.

So I woke up "this morning" (12:30pm) because I had a nightmare about my sister. The premise of the nightmare was that I had to get to work and she wouldn't call my aunt to drop me off. I know, so scary. I'm not sure why it disturbed me so much, but I can guess. My sister and I rarely ever argue, so it would make sense that having a yelling match with her would upset me.
I had another dream about her a few days ago which was the exact opposite. She and I didn't have any clothes, so we decided the best way to cover ourselves up were to make superhero costumes out of TAPE. That's right, white tape. So we had the eyepatches and the capes made out of this solid white tape. What an incredibly random dream. Hope you enjoy that one :p
Other than the weird sleeping patterns I have fallen into because of work, things have been quite good over the weekend. Friday I actually did laundry and went for a long-ass bike ride (uphill) to grab some stuff at Shopper's. I could feel the burn up the back of my legs and into my ass. Hopefully the hard work pays off. I had to work friday night and it was supremely quiet. I only had a total of 8-9 tables all night, but they all tipped very nicely. I ended up walking out with $140 in my pocket. I had this really entertaining group of guys on the patio. They had 4 rounds of Jagerbombs and they were quite wasted/incredibly hyper by the time they left. They each had 2 redbulls in a matter of... 2 hours. They told me about the time they had an "altercation" with my manager and ended up going to her house and egging her house. I found this quite funny until they told me they got caught and had to pay to get the house cleaned. Somehow, 5 years later, they still go to the Huether for drinks with no problems.
On saturday, I had the day off but was really tired from getting home so late the night before. I slept the majority of the afternoon away and then biked again to LCBo to grab some alcohol for the evening. I booked it down by bus to Waterloo to meet up with Josh, who I hadn't seen in almost a week. We had a couple drinks at his house and went to the Fox to meet up with his sister and friends. We hung out there for a while, but didn't really stay long. It was kind of weird, because a week ago I wrote about this group of Oakville guys that tipped me really well.. and I ran into them again at the Fox and it was just awkward. I LOVE awkward.
Sunday we woke up late from being very hungover (on my part). Josh had to work at 12, so I hung around his house for a bit until I had to go to work at 130pm. Stopped off at Tim Horton's for some lunch and went to work. It was pretty quiet for the majority of the day but someone tipped me $50 so I still made some good money. I can't wait for my first paycheck on friday. So pumped to have some money. Speaking of money, I am now going to the mall because I feel like spending some money that I have worked hard to earn. I am limiting myself to $50 just to get something nice.
I have alot of time off this week, so I am thinking of heading back to Oakville for the weekend. I want to see Chris again, so hopefully his plans to go upnorth fall thru.
Anyways, I'm done for the time being, and I will probably write more later when I have something interesting to say.