Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Fall Shopping.

Sooooo, I have said this before, and I will say it again.
eBay is the devil, but so amazing at the same time.

I just bought 14 items of new fall clothing on eBay for $150.00
I've been waiting for these Lucky jeans that are sooooooo soft to go on sale for probably 5 months, and ALMOST bought them on their website today. HOWEVER, I went on eBay and found the exact same pair for $75.00 less. $75.00!!! That's a lot of money I could put towards other things... such as other items of clothing.
I totally did that.
Thank goodness for China for supplying super cheap and cute clothing and not charging shipping. I cant be sure if i got the sizing right though...

Finished all my fall shopping in an hour, and I only need some new leather boots and maybe a new leather jacket.
I'm impressed.

I may not like cool temperatures (today is a terrible example, ugh), but I do love fall clothing.

Going to sleep content, but feeling a little guilty that I used my credit card for the first time in a month. Sometimes you just gotta spoil yourself <--- be="" life="" motto.="" my="" p="" should="">Oh well.