Monday, March 25, 2013


It's been an interesting and eventful weekend. For those religious folk out there, it's Palm Sunday ( whatever that means ).
However, I ended up at Uniun night club. With Vanilla Ice.
I can't remember the last time I was at a club dancing until my makeup was gone. It was quite fun acting like a retard to electronic and dub step. I do admit I felt a little out of place at first, but knowing promotional guys who hook you up with free drinks gets you comfortable pretty fast.
I haven't danced like that for a while. I usually care what people think when I'm dancing, but tonight, I didn't give a shit. I enjoyed myself. There is a certain appreciation I have for that type of music- it's not something you dance with people, you dance like a crazy person alone.

Only downside, the ringing in your ears when you're trying to sleep after.

Oh, and waking up early on a Monday to go to work? Doesn't happen in my life anymore.... Oh the life of a server. How fun and irresponsible. Who needs to grow up when you have money and adventures?