Monday, August 27, 2012


Just wanted to write a bit about my weekend. Out of all the negativity experienced this summer, I want to focus on the positive.

Friday night, I didn't do much other than ridding myself of negative influences. Unfortunately, I still was not feeling my best so I had another terrible sleep.

I woke up bright and early Saturday morning to pack up, make lunch and head to Sauble. It was an absolutely beautiful day although I was exhausted. We made great time and got to the campground around 11:30am. We set up the tiny tent and met up with Jess and Anthony who were next to our site. It was nice because they had the site I had last time. We sat around chatting for a bit, packed up our bags and biked/longboarded down to the beach. It wasn't too overrun with people, and frolicked in the water for a while taking pictures underwear. The waves were quite a bit bigger than normal, and I had a slightly scary moment when my cough mixed with swimming made me struggle for air and needed help. BUT other than that, everything was fine, lol. I started to get really cold, so everyone got out and hung out at the beach and relaxed.

Best underwater photo ever.

I watched a women with terrible parenting skills neglect her daughter, and made it very clear that I was displeased. So by the time we left, she was watching us watch her. We stopped to get some gelato-ice cream and back to the beach. Anthony ate it on his longboard so we had to bandage him up. I did some reading until it was time to head for dinner. We are all incredibly dehydrated so we drank a lot of water and ate quite a bit of food. I was impressed with myself that I ate anything because I was so exhausted.

We headed back to the site and changed into some campfire wear, drank beers (I only had 2 because of my antibiotics), ate smores and discussed/debated about evolution and other random things. I hate knowing the time while I am away (TICO TIME!) so I figured we all headed to bed around 9:30pm, but it was closer to 1am. We were all wearing head lamps, so when Jess and I went to the bathroom to brush our teeth we thought of a funny idea. This, of course, happened after Jessika almost gave herself a nosebleed from smacking herself in the face with the headlamp. Our brillant idea: we tried to sneak up on the boys, and got Jessika's phone, put the strobe-light setting on the headlamp and starting rocking out to dubstep.

It was pretty amazing... and hilarious.

We then all headed to sleep, and I yelled at Anthony to take off his bandage before bed. It seemed that all of us had terrible sleeps - for me, it was just uncomfortable, cold and kept being woken up by other people (ahem, Jess and Anthony) but not for the reasons you are thinking. In the middle of the night Anthony was puking his guts out (we are not sure why) and when they tried to go to their car, they set the car alarm off. It was a great sleep for all..... however, on a bright note, I went the entire night without choking on my cough!

We were all up around 8:00am for various reasons but wanted to spend the entire day at the beach. My nose was already the color of crimson, so actually put some sunscreen on my face. We made a quick breakfast with what we had left and drove downtown so Jess and Anthony could have breakfast. I had some tea that tasted like metal. I thought it would be fun to actually look at real estate, so I picked up a brochure to read at the beach. Anthony had mentioned that there was water trampolines that you could use, so we literally pooled our money together. It was $20.00 per person per 1/2 hour, and we found $78.00 total so they let us go since they knew we really wanted to. They drove us out and started at the first one. A trampoline but "Wipe out" style. We basically all got hurt in one way or another but it wasn't until we went to the SECOND trampoline that we started having a ton of fun. It had a rope swing attached to it so there were flips and jumps being done off of it into the water (actually pretty scary being on slippery plastic with 3 foot waves). I thought I was going to take off my lifejacket, but was very glad I didn't. It was pretty intense.

Some fat dude randomly swam up and wanted to try it. He first ate it by slipping off the platform and nailed his ass on the ladder. Then when he finally did swing, he landed directly on his back and hurt himself again. Needless to say, he didn't try a third time. He just swam away probably slightly embarrassed. It was only supposed to be 30 minutes, but the gave us over an hour because I guess we seemed to be having a good time or something :P. We headed back to shore being very glad that we did it.

We walked through the water and set up our stuff down the beach. I ended up reading the entire real estate book from back to front for about 2 hours. I was getting really excited because I think I could afford a place in Sauble Beach. I think my parents had it right, doing the summer home first. When I think about it, I have no idea where I am going to be working or where I will settle down. However, I do know that I would spend every weekend up north if I had the opportunity, or, I could rent it out for half the summer. It seems like a good idea if I can come up with the down payment. I picked out a few places that I was interested in and we are going to find them if we go back to Sauble next weekend. I think it would perfect for me and gives me something to work toward over the next year or so. I can just imagine how much fun I would have fixing it up and making it my own. I already have ideas.

Had some beach burgers and spent more time in the water, chasing waves and diving under them, being thrown head first over them and riding them into shore. We finished the weekend by relaxing from being exhausted and thinking of the fun we had acting like children all day. It was sad saying goodbye but we had a long drive home. It didn't take me long to fall asleep, and actually slept well.

That's it for me, early to bed early to rise.
I need a new book to read but I think it would be inappropriate to read an Erotica on the way to work...

PS: Breaking Bad made me angry tonight. Walt, you're a dick.
But I can say this, I definitely didn't expect that ending.