Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I seem to always think of funny things to write about right before I go to sleep and then forget.
Oh well.
On another note, the biggest dilemma I am facing today is what our Dodgeball team should be called.

Here are some of the brainstormed ideas with my colleagues:

The Artful Dodgers
Average Joes
Just Dodgy
Midair Collision!
The Air Balls
OR (my ideas) Way better I think:
Not in the face (found this one online and burst out laughing) 
 It's going to be a similar team as last season, but some new faces. I'm super excited for Thursdays again, it was so much fun. I am looking forward to throwing spongey balls at strangers faces... soooooo stress relieving. I'm trying to remind myself any way I can of the perks of having this low paying job. This is definitely one of them.

Oh, and our underwater Octopushy team that won gold last week (don't ask if you don't know). That was pretty stellar too. Most companies will give you a pat on the back or some lame prize. But my company? 15 free drinks!! Boo yeah! Solid night.

Further, I have a poker tournament on Thursday which I am totally going to kick some Flightie ASS at. There is pretty good money up for grabs. 

Man, then Friday I am heading up to Sauble for the weekend. It's going to be a good week!

Of course, minus the vomit parties from my dry cough and the very expensive prescription I am on. But that's okay! Minor detail...