Thursday, August 2, 2012


I wanted to shed light on a moral dilemma I've been having with myself over the past couple days.

One of my clients, well he's quite old. No, no, I'm not thinking I should marry him until he drops...

That's not my biggest concern.

Now that I do think about it, he smokes A LOT and has made clear he has money to burn...

No, no. Back to my original point.
Focus now.

I have spent quite a bit of time planning his trip, and yes, I did make quite a bit of money on him. But when I make that much money on someone I feel bad about it (I'm not meant to be in sales). He has now called or came in everyday trying to take me out for lunch as a thank you. It's not exactly a "big whoop" if I go for lunch, but I am questioning 2 things:
1. Is he thinking I am going to be his young arm candy?
(more so this one) 2. Am I taking advantage of this situation by saying "you're welcome" for helping him, when I should be the one saying "thank you for the huge addition to my paycheck"?

I lied to him on the phone today saying I brought lunch (when I didn't) because I feel awkward around him. Like, I'm avoiding a date I don't want to go on.

I told him I would call next week to plan a time, but I reallllly don't want to.

It's going to be pulling on me all weekend.
What a struggling life I lead.