Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Up and Down.

What an odd day. Since analogies seem to be popular lately, I'll think of a good one to describe my day...

I was on a roller coaster and the main drop was a serious blow to my stomach, but then the smaller drops were pleasant and enjoyable and ended up being quite a good ride.

There was also a good analogy last night to add to the collection but I'll write about that later.
Passion and Paradise are interesting metaphoric story-lines I've come to enjoy.

Oh and also... I really am regretting that I didn't get to see Metric OR Kings of Leon this month. So incredibly lame. I guess I'll just have to settle for Lily Allen tomorrow night. Who am I kidding? That's the one I am looking forward to the most.
Still regretting the other 2 though.

Oh and also number 2... I looked at flights and OF COURSE the prices dropped. I could've not had a flight at 8:30am. Stupid airlines, you annoy me (ie. Aircanada).

Alright, naptime!