Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Surreal, but so nice.

❤ I have had a lot of insight on my life and direction since I have been away. It is a beautiful thing. 
I mean, the plans have been in the works for the past couple of months and not many people know about them. I'm a little... Embarrassed (?) may not be the best word.. Hesitant. Yes, that's a more accurate description. Hesitant of sharing my goals because they are incredibly risky and new. I'm not the most confident person in these ideas yet. 
However, sharing them with people that I hardly know was exhilarating. Having the support of people I truly do not know says something to me. They do not know anything about me, but can tell how passionate I am about the idea to be understanding. I'm not sure how I surround myself with such wonderful people on the regular. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at expressing my gratitude. 
But yes, I have been waking up to different ideas and physically writing them down. My memory seems to be getting worse and don't want to lose any of my thoughts. 
Including this one... 

Today was a surreal day for me. Not many people can understand it, and I'm not sure if ill be able to accurately describe it.
But I will try.

I was sitting with my aunt by the water. We were chatting about my future goals and I was listening to insight about relationships. She asked me many tough questions, which I had an answer for each one, or left me thinking after. 
I was reading a romance novel, which I will give to her when I am finished. 
We walked along the shore and in the shallow water, stopping to put our feet in the natural baths the rock had formed centuries ago. 
I wish I had taken a photo. Not because of the surroundings, but for the moment. I am somewhere I have never been before but feel at home. I guess the right people make you feel that way. 
My aunt and I sat there for a while, in silence, in our own thoughts. However I was just thinking about her - how absolutely wonderful she is. Considering we didn't spend very much time together until a few years ago, we are close. She is the closest thing to a mother that I will ever know, and it's surreal and scary at the same time. It reminds me of a time before my mom was sick, and the time we spent together. I'm not sure how to tell her how wonderful she is because I'm sure I would cry the way I am now writing this. I don't like being that vulnerable. 
But it was a moment that lasted hours and I wouldn't have changed it for the world. She reminds me of what family means, what it means to be part of that family and also what it takes to be great friend. There are not many people that have done that in my life, and it is refreshing. 
They say it only takes one person to save your life, and without knowing it, she has saved mine. ❤