Sunday, August 11, 2013

Counting Stars.

(Great song.)

It's been a lovely and busy week. However I've hardly been working.
Life is wonderful. 

I'm sitting in bed, listening. I cannot hear anything but the sound of water. This is when I'm truly at peace. 
I've been struggling lately with the fine line between loneliness and peacefulness. But tonight I can really tell the difference. In the city, there are days I sit on my balcony and all I hear are cars. i partially feel that I'm content, however it gives me a sense of sadness. 
When I'm near the water, life is exactly the way it's supposed to be - simple, beautiful and peaceful. Makes me question why I'm so determined to stay in the city, and why living somewhere tranquil is so scary. 

Nevertheless, I love this moment and this life I've been living. 

Date #2 was on Friday night, and there definitely were a couple red flags raised. The last time red flags were raised at the beginning, well, we all know how that turned out. However,I'm trying not to be limited and naive, and give the benefit of the doubt. The day and night was truly memorable and romantic. 

It was the first time I had been to Niagara in a while, and it was a beautiful day. We walked along the falls, went to the casino, had drinks at a restaurant where we were so close to the falls we could feel the mist while we ate, saw a comedy show and walked some more. 

We made plans to spend more time together this week. Not sure what that means. I'm not very good at the whole dating thing, but okay just to see what happens. 

For a few days I'm running away from it all. I'm not in a familiar place, or with familiar people... And it's wonderful. I was drunk by 5pm, no one cares.

The big meteor shower is tonight, and I'm incredibly happy that I can watch it out of the city. Something about the stars is so relaxing and .. Hopeful.

I wonder what I will wish for tonight....