Monday, December 17, 2012

Red green blue

Christmas is the loneliest time of the year. I'm envious of any person that says the opposite.

I'm just going to stay at home, not work and watch my Christmas tree turn from red to green to blue until Christmas finally passes and feel that spring is on the way.

Vodka with cranberry ginger ale may become the new best part of this festive holiday.

I'm trying to figure out if there is anyone I should be buying a gift for this year but can't really think of any. Seems to be shaping into the worst Christmas ever.

I was hopeful but now I am not.
December and Christmas is the worst time of the year for someone single and with no one.
But I do have vodka so that is good enough to get me through most days. Luckily I'm barely working this week now so I can continue to drown myself in my misery. I definitely deserve it.

I probably won't write much this holiday because I'm thinking of the following shitty dates:
November 30
December 02
December 12-13
December 17
December 25
December 29
December 31

I do wish everyone else a happy holiday because most people enjoy time to themselves and are happy.