Saturday, December 1, 2012


Oh Ellie I do like your music. However, I figured it wasn't a good idea to listen to a song about a car accident (Anything Can Happen) while driving.
Apparently I was right because a minute after I did listen to it, I DID get into an accident. My first. Hopefully my only.
It wasn't my fault, but it did shake me up a lot. I was in shock so I was incredibly nice, was smiling and making jokes. Probably not the first thing you do when you just got smashed from behind on the highway. I'm glad I wasn't meant to die yesterday, my life didn't flash before my eyes - I just thought "fuck" and closed my eyes.

My day got worse by getting stuck in traffic for 3 hours. THREE hours. In the GTA. Stupid. I was so frustrated and paranoid because it was the first snowfall of the year then I saw 5 accidents on my way home. I almost started to cry but then!!! I went to Jacks and had some drinks with people and started to feel better and ended the night at The Keg sitting by the fireplace.

Going to find out the damage today.
My poor little 2007 got beat up by a 2012. Pick on something your own age :(

Oh, for the people that are reading this and maybe a little worried, I'm okay and woke up with no pains anywhere. But thank you for your concern.