Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Summer Shenanigans.

 I never thought I would look so forward to a Tuesday. It's been the definition of summer today. My three day vacation started off exactly how I wanted. Stayed random all day.

Trespassed into an old flooded mine that looked like a quarry and relaxed and had a picnic. Pretended to be stealth and hid from security, and enjoyed the clear blue water for a while before being "kindly" asked to leave... Twice. 

Took the back roads home so we could enjoy the windows down and the hot temperatures. 

Went for Summerlicious downtown and ate delicious prime rib, but still left me craving for more.

Then went to Jacks for a birthday, which then turned into a late night of swimming in underwear at a pool with friends, poking fun at each other and enjoying the jets, in a more x-rated way. 

I could write more but I'm very tired. I looked good today and felt really good. Life can take some pretty unexpected turns. I think things are falling back into place. 

I can hardly keep my eyes op...