Thursday, November 26, 2009

Job Job Job Job.

I finally got my call today saying that I got a job at Symposium. I'm so pumped. Especially since I've been there every week for the past 3 weeks. I <3 cheap martini Wednesdays.
This week has been pretty good considering the lousy weather. I feel a little bit more happy and looking forward to the holidays than I have in many years past. I have so many ideas for presents this year, which never ever happens.
My hands have been cramping and I am kind of getting arthritis in my left hand from knitting so much. Just for the record, knitting does NOT help lower sexual frustration. But it is relaxing and kind of fun to do.

I have determined that I have become a grandma before my time in numerous ways:
1. I enjoy B-I-N-G-O
2. I read romance novels constantly
3. I nap during the day
4. I am addicted to tea
4. I get grumpy when I haven't eaten
5. My eyes hurt from bright lights
6. I enjoying knitting since I have nothing better to do
7. Oh and I'm getting arthritis from knitting too much

If I keep this up, I will be starting to go to bed earlier (crap) and squinting at the tv (crap) and being annoying at rowdy young people on my street (crap).
So much for that.