Wednesday, October 17, 2012


So. I have been up all night.
I basically spent the last few hours designing my new bedroom and living room. I've lived in my apartment for the last year, and figured it was time to make it homie - my home. I have planned it all out so I can do everything for under $200 (and thats being generous) for a complete makeover. With the help of my friends (ahem) and prepaid credit cards from my work, it will be easy to do and actually only cost me a matter of dollars. It's amazing what you can accomplish on a budget and from things you already have! I'm using my creativity and skills to create art, make furniture and use all the space in my apartment. Electronically, I will need some serious upgrades, but that will come when I'm working more.

In the meantime, I'm getting rid of a lot of furniture that I do not foresee myself ever using. I want to have my own stuff and have it be nice stuff. Emphasis on the nice.

I'm really excited and can't wait to get started tomorrow!
Maybe I should get some sleep first.