Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Got back from Thailand on Saturday. I took a few days to re-orient myself with my life, but it's already back to stress, and responsibility. Ughhhh. I haven't even started work yet! So much stuff to do. Is it terrible that I am looking forward to going back to work? Mostly because I saw my fav people last night, and I realized how much I miss the people I work with.

I will probably give a run down of my trip to Thailand eventually, but not yet.

I read A Game of Thrones while I was away, and I just saw a preview for the HBO series of it starting April 17. Seems that I will be adding another TV show to the already long list of shows I presently watch.

Sidenote: Watching the news right now, and they are going to dig up the remains of a woman thought to be the woman in the Mona Lisa painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. This is pretty interesting. It seems that they found her through a convent. She was a nun? Kind of fits with the whole pure, beauty thing.