Saturday, July 3, 2010

Hot Tub.

I am not usually a fan of hot tubs, but I found myself sitting in one for 2 hours tonight. I rather enjoyed it, minus the fact that I was prune-y and it chipped my french pedicure I got last week for my birthday. Grrr!
C'est la vie.

I'm trying a new template for my blog. It looked kind of cool.

Gah, I am so bored. I am looking up new bathing suits online. BUT I fell in love with my Body Glove bathing suit, so I am trying to find another one in the same style. Apparently, it is hard to find a brasilia style bathing suit. The style is so flattering and is pretty hot because it only covers half of the bum. I am glad I am one of the few that can pull it off. Fingers crossed for never getting pregnant. Ever. God forbid, how terrible would that be? Ick.