Thursday, March 18, 2010

Changing of Seasons.

I thought this beautiful weather would make me feel better about things, but it hasn't.
I thought getting out of the city would help, but it didn't.
I thought buying new expensive things would help, but it didn't for long.
Life is changing so much, and there are so many unknowns that I should be excited about, however I feel like I am leaving behind one thing that I will never forget. It is making me want to stay in bed all day and wait for something amazing to happen. It feels unbelievable when it is around, and when it's not, I feel empty.
I just need to keep reminding myself that I am leaving soon, and I have a second chance (well, more like 20th chance) to turn over a new leaf and be happy in my surroundings. Loneliness seems to be a really good friend of mine, but I would love to disown this friend and meet happiness and comfort and become best friends.
Here is to wishing upon a star.