Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Beginning.

They went for a stroll down Church street, drinking strawberry lemonades and holding hands. The small shops and cafés were bustling with customers on their lunch breaks. Laughter breaking out all around. It was supposed to be a rainy, dreary day, but the sky had opened up and sun shined brightly, illuminating the cobble stone walkways. There was a three piece band on one corner, and a young violinist on another. People were standing and listening intently to the beautiful music, filling their ears with classical tunes. 

Together they picked out new outfits for their evening out. Hers consisted of a short floral dress that flowed softly around my knees, his was new khaki shorts and a freshly pressed white collared shirt. They complimented each other so well. 

They weren't sure where to set up shop for dinner, but she wanted to sit on a patio and drink wine. Leurig's Bistro was one of the best places in town for food and wine selection, and they got one of the last tables on their patio that extended into the square. The wait staff wore bow ties and vests, giving their ambiance a classy but comfortable feel.  It reminded her a lot of Montreal or any European city. 

They sat and drank wine, listening to the violinist that was playing next to them, thinking that he was playing specifically for them. The evening was perfect. 

Meals were packed up, and they raced back to the car in hopes of catching one of her favourite bands play at a local venue. Once they parked, she wanted to go ahead and get tickets, but he was taking his time, texting on his phone. He said he forgot his wallet in the car, and instead of waiting for him, she ran up to the box office in hopes for tickets to the sold out show of Fitz and the Tantrums. The woman behind the glass shook her head and explained that she was the luckiest girl because they just opened up the last two tickets to the show. Without hesitation, she buys the tickets brimming with excitement. She darted out quickly to find him, desperate to share the good news. "I got tickets!" She said running up to him and kissing his face. He pulled away and seemed slightly aggravated. 

He had gotten her tickets for her birthday. Turned out that it was all set up days before, his family playing along. 

Great surprise. Great day.
Great boyfriend. "I want to give you everything that you could ever want"