Thursday, November 14, 2013


Sometimes I surprise myself. 
I thought about it today about how consistent my life is, but how I am personally evolving without realizing it. There are many stressors that don't exist anymore, and I'm content living in my reality. Sure, if I want to be a pessimist, I could say that things *could* be better, grant you. But considering I am not a true pessimist, I see that I am maturing and can awknowledge that things *are* pretty great. 
Unfortunately, this isn't coming out as clearly as it did when I realized it. 
I guess I'm just trying to say that I'm maturing enough to appreciate what I have, and that things can be imperfectly perfect if I let them fall into place. Also, that I don't need inconsistencies all the time to get by (depending on the situation) and I'm okay trusting people that I know, feel and believe, love me. 
There's a significant difference between being with someone that's *in love* with you, and being with someone who claims they *love* you. I think once you have been with both, it's hard to be with the latter. In my evolution of life and love, I am realizing that I definitely deserve this and won't be caught accepting anything less.

This is a very rewarding feeling. 
The walls I have put up for so long are slowly breaking down, and I consider myself lucky. 

Maybe this winter will be different than all the rest, and I will be the grinch no-more.