Monday, July 30, 2012



I'm trying to figure out the true reason why I didn't go for the interview last week. It has been pulling on me ever since.
I definitely think there are numerous reasons that come into play why it was a good and bad idea. However I think this picture sums up what I was thinking deep down.

Have I really changed that much? I never used to be the person who closed off new opportunities - I used to jump in front of them and not take no for an answer. I feel like I was right all along and these 9-5 jobs are life suckers and ruiners. Maybe serving wasn't the most rewarding job on the face of the planet, but I had the thing that I am realizing means more to me than the rest - time.
Time to sleep in, time to go on holidays (even if I wasn't paid), time to sit by the pool or water for the afternoon.
I was not counting down the days until I have a day off.
I miss the good ol' days of making a ton of money, having a good time and doing whatever I wanted. If I wanted to go skydiving, I didn't have to save up for 2 months. If I wanted to go on a trip I didn't have to worry about opening a savings account so I could afford it 6 months from now.
I went to work, and made cash dollars. If I wanted to go skydiving it was one Friday night. If I wanted to go on a trip, I didn't get discounts but only took a couple weeks to save up. If I wanted to spoil myself and buy myself something I didn't need, I COULD.


I wish I could be a student forever. Fuck real people jobs- they suck.