Monday, April 16, 2012

Good day.

I had a short but solid sleep. A beer before bed has been my savior for the past few nights (or numerous).
I got spoiled at work - I had clients today that bought everyone coffee, my hot Australian is going home so he got us all bottles of wine and chocolates as a thank you . I wish I was going with him.
Sat on a patio almost getting blown away, luckily I got out of work early so got to enjoy the afternoon weather. I watched Game of Thrones (good episode) and even went grocery shopping! All I need now is a new bikini, some tanning time and I am ready for the Bahamas. I got my itinerary today and I am literally going to be sitting on a beach for four days getting burnt and enjoying myself. Only 6 more days until I am lounging on a beach soaking in the rays. It's amazing how better I feel simply by the weather. I was jamming out yesterday and today with the windows down and the hair blowing in my face.
It's been a good day.