Sunday, March 18, 2012

42 Minutes.

It took exactly one Mumford & Sons album to drive from Guelph door to Toronto door. I thought that was pretty cool how it worked out. I finally picked up my mail from Guelph, which turned out to be around 30 envelopes. Considering it has been at least 8 months since I got my mail, I was quite relieved to know that I do not owe any company an obscene amount of money. On the contrary, I actually received hundreds of dollars of government money. Woo!
I'm glad I went - it seems that I know more people in Guelph than I thought. St. Patty's Day was a good day to go, lots of people going back to visit. I did feel quite old though when I first arrived, everybody looks so young and a lot of them, quite tragic looking. But once the drinks were a-flowin, I felt like a student again. Plus, I can always count on Guelph to boost my self-esteem, random people calling out at you left, right and center -- good for the confidence.

I feel good - it's been a great weekend.
Just what I needed.
I was even wearing shorts all night and did not get cold!

Having sushi may not have been the prime choice for lunch after a hefty night of drinking, but oh well.
Mmm, naptime.