Saturday, December 3, 2011


I hate December 2nd with a passion... I tried to forget about what this day means considering everyone else around me has. However there was a greater force than I can't control nor explain that made me sit there and think about today and what this day means.
My car ran out of gas... Much much sooner than anticipated. I cannot find a greater explanation than the one on repeat in my head. I sat there in the middle of the street wondering why on earth it would have happened on a day such as this.
I hate wallowing in self pity.. And I hate the burning sensation behind my eyes when I try not to cry. Unfortunately I couldn't help it and I just want to sleep forever.
Thank you mom. I do remember very well what 8:40 pm means. I remember quite well. So please don't hassle me by stupid coincidences and come back and visit me in my dreams.