Monday, November 21, 2011


I have decided that it's time to get back up... and by this I mean, believing that love is everything. Over the past little while, I have been constantly persuaded, purposefully or not, that love really is stupid and pointless. However, I do not want to continue with those types of thoughts. I much prefer to remember how wonderful it can make you feel, and how you sometimes will do anything for it. I used to think that, and it went away. I really hope to regain this sense of happiness and hopelessness.

Really, I am just throwing another into the pile of smelly, worn out, pieces of garbage of people that I definitely do not want. I'm okay with that.

(Great analogy coming right up.)

Because sometimes if you sift through enough garbage you find a treasure - something you cannot live without. Finders keepers. I hope the next person that comes along doesn't take this for granted, and they feel like they found something wonderful, and will do anything to keep it. I don't want to keep wasting my time with smelly, worn out pieces of garbage.

My life is too fabulous to let people bring me down to their level. 2011 has been a shit year, it really has. So here is to hoping that 2012 brings happiness, love and plenty of adventure. But most of all, someone who can keep up with my ever-changing attitude and lifestyle.

Cheers to starting fresh... again. :)