Sunday, October 16, 2011

Spoiling Myself.

I bought a new couch this weekend. Not really that exciting, is it. However, it was the most giddy I had been in a while. I feel like I always have to be doing something or buying myself something to be content, even if it's always just temporary. I was looking forward to creating my own living space, decorating and organizing the way I wanted to. Now that its done I think to myself... What next? I need an ever-changing lifestyle to be content with my situation. I hate getting stuck in one spot and consistency. Consistency is boring. Of course we need some consistency, but I need to switch things up all the time. I think this is why a job that enables me to travel would be my ultimate dream job. I would love to write memoirs about the experiences I have all over the world. I tried writing my novel today but my keyboard is so messed up it still won't let me. Unless I want my entire novel to be the letter 'r' on repeat for 30,000 words. Not so much. I think deep down I want to be swept off my feet and live the life of a character from a romance novel.
I always thought I wanted to go into health care because I figured it was one of the few jobs that always keep you on your toes... I'm starting to realize that maybe I was meant for something different. I hope I figure out what it is before I run away to find it. I don't think it would be a temporary fix this time.