Tuesday, September 22, 2009


So, today, this morning, we booked our tickets to CALIFORNIA!!!!!!!!!!
Three weeks tomorrow and we will be on a plane down to warm beaches and skimpy bikinis.
Finally, finally, finally. We have only been talking about it for 2 months. The time has come and I couldn't be more excited. It is going to be an amazing adventure for almost a week. They say you learn alot about someone by the way they travel, and I have been to Montreal with Brent and we may have been frustrated with me reading french street names and directions when I don't know ANY french, but other than that (so far) I have found we travel pretty well together. This trip will be a little more intense because we will be sitting in a plane for 8 hours together, but I think the excitement of finally going somewhere neither of us have ever been will be one for the record books.
I enjoy when things fall together perfectly, or in our case we fit perfectly.
I am excited for the future months, I think there will be alot of fun had.

Now, I have to go for a jog after eating perogies for dinner... because apparently... I AM GOING TO CALIFORNIA IN 3 WEEKS WOOO!

Ps: Thank you OSAP for giving me $1200 of free money this semester, which I am using to pay for my trip and all my phone bills for the rest of the year. :D
How wonderful life is, now that you are in the world.