Saturday, September 26, 2009

Perfectly in Sync.

There was something that happened this week that made me really appreciate silent communication.
I was walking down the middle of campus right when class got out. I was walking towards the bus on the other side of campus when I realized the gridlock that campus becomes when it's busy. Thousands of students walk in all directions but never run into each other - when someone walks towards them, they never have a full-frontal crash, but pass by each other with plenty of space between them. No matter what direction, or what speed, each person subconsciously weaves through "traffic" gracefully. There is obviously those few times when someone really is not paying attention and does, in fact, crash into someone else. But on the whole, each person is communicating with thousands of other people during their walks across campus.
This idea doesn't work quite the same when everyone is walking in a straight line - this becomes more like the traffic on the road. But there is something beautiful about the unspoken understanding of you and the strangers that walk across campus.
I truly enjoy this, especially when I adjust my step just the tiniest bit so I just barely miss the back of their heels.

I guess this is added to my list of Life's Free Enjoyments, which already include:
- Watching the stars
- Skipping stones
- etc.

The thing about Life's Free Enjoyments is that everyone has their own, and really when you think about it, it's hard to explain why it is.